Friday, November 28, 2008

Just so you know....

100 Things About Me
Feel free to do this yourself too!

100 Things about me

I copied this tag from someone else's blog, it kind of shows that there are so many things in this world to do. I have done the one's that are highlighted. Enjoy!

1. Started your own blog (Duh, your reading it)
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland /world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child (the best thing I ever did!)
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Stayed up all night without going to sleep
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81.Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someones life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

THANKFULNESS.....or maybe not!

So here we sit less than 24-hours before the big Turkey Day! GOBBLE-GOBBLE!

We ventured out to Safeway to get groceries last night and I was amazed the stuff they were out know little items like "TURKEYS"...ya - go figure??? Oh, they had the ELITE, MARINATED, Special ones that were priced at 25.00 for a 8 lb turkey but come on friends like do you want me to bend over so you can stuff ME??? They were out of coconut - ya - no coconut....figure that one too? and COOL WHIP........DUH! I told the checker and he wasn't all that concerned just said "YA, we were slammed today" - REALLY? go figure that one dude - it is fricking THANKSGIVING! I kept my trap shut in the spirit of the holidays and said nuttin' - I want the BIG MAN in the red suit to remember that I was kind two nites prior to THANKSGIVING and maybe he will stuff my stocking with something good! Not to late to try to get on the GOOD GIRL LIST Santa keeps all year!

So off to Rosauer's for more shopping - EVERYONE knows how much I love grocery shopping - NOTTTT - I frickin hate is a pain in the butt - a necessity YES, a pain in the butt "DEFITINELY!" I am not like my mother, my brother or my husband who can go in to the grocery store for 1 item and the parking lot will generally turn over cars at least 2 times and if not 2 times - 3 times! That is nooooooooooooo exaggeration! So, when I go to the grocery store with them - I make sure I am pottied and have a good book/magazine...... The one item they went in for turns out to necessitate the use of a grocery cart to haul to the car and somehow between going in the store and checking out the 1 item has reproduced itself into 20 items!

So - back to my Rosauer's trip - after stepping into the parking lot of Safeway I informed a friend from church who was heading IN to Safeway that they were out of CHEAP turkeys - which she about faced and immediately left - of course we did visit for a few minutes!

Up the hill for us and in to Rosauer', I will branch off this story again to tell you WHY I don't shop at Rosauer's even though it is closer to my home and lots of the times has better sales than other see 2-3 years ago I was heading out of the store and tripped over the flat surface of the parking lot (ya one of those days) and fell smack down onto my knees with two bags of groceries in my hurt like HELL to be honest. I was embarrassed and in pain and had two bags of groceries.....people didn't see me and walked on by - ya right in the middle of the parking lot and no one offers to help the FAT LADY down - nope, walk on by you blessed people! Leave me on the ground in severe pain! Three people walked by me that day - not a word! Finally a disabled lady hollered over and asked if I was okay and brought a cart over for me to use to get up and support me as I hobbled to my car. My story here is if I was some skinny blonde chick laying on the ground - there would have been people all over me like flies on a hot cow turd - but since I am not they walked on by! So I never went back to Rosauer's since then! I have been in the parking lot and sat in the car when my dear husband thought he needed something but I wouldn't go in! I HATE there parking lot to this day!

Okay, so last night I folded and went. Amazingly, they had Cool Whip, Turkeys (cheap ones) and coconut.....YEH Rosauer's - you won me back! After my purchase and getting home I realized they over charged me 7.00 on my Diet Pepsi but I phoned them and they said to bring my receipt back and they will refund me.

Oh and SAFEWAY - I called your 1-800 number and told them about you here. About your turkeys being gone, no coconut, no Cool Whip and a few weeks ago when you had sales the same scenario.....I asked if they were folding or closing or bankrupt...they assured me that they were not! You need to get your act together because you lost me as a customer for awhile!

So my thankfulness message.....
I am thankful that I have the freedom to go buy groceries and shop where I want.
I am thankful for family & friends.
I am thankful for my puppy dogs even when they terrorize me and won't leave me along because I know that they are madly in love with me as much as I am with them.
I am thankful for my little guy that ain't so little anymore and wants to push my buttons all the time.....what would I do without that kid?
I am thankful because we have a new president heading for office that hopefully will make some positive things come to be and get this country on the right road, I am thankful that he is willing to take the office and put himself and his family in a position where they are in the spotlight and bad things can happen to them.
I am thankful for my sorority girlfriends and all they mean to me and a few other girlfriends who make my world ROCK even when we don't talk every day or week - we know we are there for each other!

So grab your Gobbler and have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING PEOPLE!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ears ringing.....

So my ears have been on strike for ummm, lets see, about 10 days now. They are ringing constantly makes me want to howl at the ringing like a dog or something. I feel like I have a pillow over my head, everything is muffled. So, since it has lasted more than 4 hours I sought medical treatment again......I find out this is normal for an ear infection - and it could be like this for another 3 weeks - WHAT? Okay, so talking myself out of panicking over not being able to hear and hoping like HECK I get ALL my hearing back - I mean this is my livelihood - hearing what the snot snorting, burping, jelly bean eating doctors are saying in their dictations. Do you think I could go on disability if I lose my hearing....ya, I didn't think so either!

Most of my readers have already heard this little diddy from last week. My son and I are driving down the road to go to gram's house and the big talk comes up.
A: "Mom, what is sex?"
M: "What, huh, where did you hear this?" (GULP - nearly run off the road in the vehicle)
A: "There was a girl on the school bus calling numbers on her phone and asking people to have sex. What does that mean?"
M: "Um, Ang, it is a special way God created for a husband & wife to touch. How do you think God felt about her calling people like that?" (Put it back in the BIG MAN's lap....)
A: "I think he was not happy."
M: "I think it made God very sad that this little girl was doing that. That was very dangerous for her to be doing that."
A: "Mom, she was also asking them if they wanted to have one-course....what is one-course mom?"
M: "Umm, do you mean intercourse?"
A: "Yaaa, that is what she was saying mom, what is that?"
M: "It means the same thing as sex - they are two words that mean the same - it is the special touching between a husband and wife that God created."
A: "Do you and dad do that?"
M: (holy camolie batman....) "Ang, this special touching that God created between a husband and wife is a thing that you share together and you don't talk about with other people."
A: "Sorry mom"
M: "No Ang, it isn't a bad thing, it is just something that you share with your husband or wife and don't share with others"
A: "Mom, what is a sexual offender?"

WHY me?....all in the same conversation....why didn't he ask good old dad?

He is 9....what happened to the innocence of our babes? I NEVER had a conversation at 9 years old on the bus about sex - let alone a cell phone and making random calls? What happened to the questions on the prank calls like "Is your refrigerator running? Well you better go catch it."

I did call his school principle the next morning to let her know the trash talk going on in the bus....there are little ones on the bus that don't need to have their little minds trashed quite so young! WOW - what happened to coloring and visiting with your friends on the bus, reading a book.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Guardian Angel was here....the one who doesn't like Sausage Gravy...

So....Amburger just dropped by with a HOT CARAMEL APPLE CIDER - how nice is that? AWESOME HUH! Jealious aren't you..... :p

Well....after overcoming my mortification of someone in my driveway and how messy my house is - I run out to the gate to meet her with my tatas flopping in the crisp cool air under my toothpaste laden t-shirt while fending off the 3 dogs from hell....mind you I have not showered, I did brush my teeth and have toothpaste all over the front of my shirt to prove it.....the shirt I have on with NO BRA - ya real fun! Now....I usually don't have toothpaste all over me but this morning for whatever reason the toothpaste had fallen off of my toothbrush and onto my shirt and I tried to wipe it off but it just made it looked like I puked toothpaste all over myself - real NICE!

Oh - I love the CIDER - how nice to have a friend bless me on this day! It has been a long week with being sick and being occupied all week with extracurricular activities.....


SHHHHHHHHHH....can I tell you something?

MY one ear is still plugged....I wanna SCREAM! Even my jaw was sore when I woke this morning. Of course working in what I do I start it an abscess in my head? A tumor? ARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Okay - so last night I went out and got to laugh a tid bit for a tiny bit - it felt good - to laugh! I was with my mom & my husband - Ang was back at home with grandpa....

It has been a long week and I am so grateful it is FRIDAY!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

ohhhhhhhhhh and 1 more thing......

Do you know how much I LOVE Elton John music?

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to see him in concert this year! It still almost unreal that I did see him LIVE....every time I hear a song on my SIRIUS radio I almost want to cry......What a gifted person!

Still on the mend.....

Sooo - I was hoping to feel a TON better at this point in my antibiotics but not so. My ear is still plugged tight and I feel partially deaf, which I am sure is the case. I keep thinking one morning I will wake up and it is going to be all better but not so far.....

It doesn't help that I have had engagements the past week to be somewhere EVERY night - this week I have just wanted to curl up after work and fall asleep but nooooooooo we have had Harvest Dinner, School Meeting, 2 doctors appointments....etcetera...... I was "supposed" to be baking for a fundraiser on Friday night for our sorority but not to happen with my ears plugged, my sinuses plugged and feeling like I was drug through a knot hole backwards, it is all I could do to get a rotisserie chicken on the table last night (thank you Mary, Mary for the rotisserie cooker - we love it) oh and THANK YOU A&B FOODS for advertising whole chickens on sale this week!

So tonight I have plans, tomorrow night I have plans and Saturday night I have plans - can you say STOP already.....STOP THE INSANITY or STOP THE CAROUSEL and let me off already! I wanna day of down time.

I didn't call in sick this week because the first 2 days of sick leave are considered vacation days and I am hording my vacation days for the week after Christmas. I don't believe we have ever taken the week off AFTER Christmas as a family and we thought it would be a good idea to enjoy the days after the month of hectic Christmas activities - isn't that the life - it is supposed to be a peaceful time of year, a time of reflection.......heck the already are playing Christmas music in the stores and it isn't even THANKSGIVING yet.....

I am feeling rather owly this a.m. so WATCH OUT.....I get tired of having clothes set out for the kid and at least once a week somehow he loses his socks and then he tries to put the blame on me and it immediately pushes my button. When I start getting upset then that pushes Joe's button......I just hate that Angelo doesn't just get, he has to start getting dressed, play with the dogs, start telling a story, or something - so he has to be reminded to GET DRESSED EVERY FLIPPING MORNING.................ARRRRRRGGGGGG!

So Orchards Elementary is having a book fair next week (November 18-21st) is a great time to pick up some books for kids - there are books for all ages (or at least supposed to be??) There is my advertising PLUG for the day.....

Another advertising plug - Friday night at "The Sage" there is a Ladies Night Out with some local Vendors - sorority is sponsoring it and the proceeds are being used for the "LOCAL" WISHING STAR FOUNDATION. I know Silpada will be there, massage person, purse "purson", Avon, candle person, some handmade cards, a raffle for a beautiful quilt.....YA hop on over or okay.....DRIVE!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long weekend, getting sick & SI............

So...the story goes....I had Thursday & Friday off last week. I had planned to spend Thursday in town getting prepared to go to Post Falls for the weekend to visit a friend who had just moved back from Michigan after 15 years and do some shopping. Ya, well that didn't happen.....We made it up to Post Falls Friday afternoon and checked into a HOJOs (Howard-Johnson in case you were wondering). Let me rate the place....paper thin walls....I spent Friday night listening to the dude in 248's TV blare the ENTIRE night, I am NOT exaggerating the ENTIRE NIGHT! Now put that on top of my being sick - sore throat, fever, back hurting from the BEDS! LOVELY I know!

We touched base with my friend and her family Friday night, had pizza, laughed and had a great visit - this was prior to my falling ILL and room 248's TV blaring all night.

So I had a very unrestful evening on Friday with a fever, waking about every 2 hours and trying to reposition myself to get comfortable.....sore throat....I felt icky and I wanted to go postal with the TV in 248 and knock on the door but I figured better of that. What a stupid idiot in 248! Oh an by the way, 248 was talking on the phone the next morning and said he was making most of his money in cash now and therefore didn't pay taxes on it.....STUPID IDIOT!!! I would turn his badonka donka butt in if I could!

So the next morning before heading out for the day I went to the front desk and asked if 248 was spending that night or had he checked out because he left his damn TV on the entire night and I couldn't hardly sleep. They assured me he had checked out. THANK GOD!

So Saturday we decided to skip Cabella's because I didn't feel like walking around for 3.5 hours (that is the average visit time in there for the 1st time - I read on the web somewhere....ya, I am sure if I would have chosen to go and stayed that long I would have been laying in one of their displays somewhere....partially dead). We headed for Riverfront Park - what better way to spend a rainy Saturday than at Riverfront Park huh? I am feeling punk, there is no close parking to the IMAX without quite a walk in and it seems long when you are sick let me tell you. So I drag my punk ass to the Imax at 10:45 and find that Madagascar 2 is not playing until 12:30.....I try my best to paste my smile on and make the best of the 1.75 hour wait while my kid hounds me for quarters for the vending machines that carry such HIGH quality merchandise - YA right! The upside of arriving so early - we were 1st in line for Madagascar 2 and it was a cute movie.

After the movie you can guess what we did - hiked our punk asses back out of the Park in the rain. I was feeling pretty bad by now but I was trying to be a trooper. We drove around for a bit after that just cruising and seeing what has changed.

We hit Valley Mall and Joe wanted lunch so we went to TGIF because I cannot remember going there although he knows WE have - I seriously think he has lived another life with another woman because I do not remember ever going there but okay....... I ordered a bowl of onion soup which I couldn't even finish because, yep, I was so sick!

I had wanted to hit Old Navy but I just couldn't - I didn't feel like it and Linen & Things was closing...i.e. SALES - HELLO!!! - again, to sick......

The guys went to Toys R Us and I was four parking spots away from the front door of you will relate how sick I was.....I couldn't go in...I turned the heat on HIGH and reclined the seat and fell asleep for 1 hour while they were shopping. It felt good but when I woke up I felt worse than before I went to sleep.

Back to the HOJO - room 250.....slept some more, woke up tried to communicate with my family who were both watching movies, back to sleep, wake up they are watching scary movies - great now Angelo will have nightmares but if he wants to watch it then go for it.

I determined that the walls are like paper at HOJO as the next group to stay in 248 you could hear what they were saying too and the lady who was in there had the most irritating laugh.....Again, I wanted to go next door and tell her to shut up but I didn't......I knew this was part because of me being ill and tired and wanting to sleep - you know "CRANKINESS" at its best!

Sunday we touched base with our friends one more time for breakfast - I told them I wasn't feeling well but they insisted on going to Denny's.....I did eat breakfast but still felt punk. I thought I could be on the upswing after I had ate and after leaving there decided to tackle Fred Meyer in Coeur d'Alene - someone needed new UNDEROOS (not me either) and so we wanted to go there because they carry the proper brand....... By the time we left there I was shot. Joe ended up driving the entire way home which rarely happens as he gets tired and it was foggy and rainy and icky.....he didn't complain or anything about it - I mostly slept but did offer to drive at one point! I appreciate that from him - he actually realized how sick I felt.

Yesterday I worked all day with one ear plugged from whatever I had going on. I had called my doctor in the morning but of course, they were booked....
I did get squeezed in as the last patient of the day at 5:15 - I have a double ear infection......not so good. The pain really hit when I had to go back up in to the Orchards to go home - by the time I got home the change in altitude had caused severe pain and my head was throbbing - I was sobbing it hurt so bad - I feel for kids when they have an ear infection. That was bad and I am hesitant to even think about going downtown now.....

So the moral of the story is I got antibiotics and today I may feel a smidge better but I am definitely not the best.

This is how it is on November 11, 2008.....sucky for me personally!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Please remember to VOTE today!

If the line is long just think about how long we stand in line to order a pizza, get concert tickets or stand in line to get in to a don't think twice about those try to be happy if you have to wait and just VOTE!

Don't care who you VOTE for just do it - it is your right!