Thursday, January 31, 2008

I have decided....

things could be lots worse.....

I am laughing again finally!
Earlier I was feeling to bitchy to blog! Now that my friend is bbbaaaaaddddd!!!

I was feeling pissy about how slow the net was running, how slow the traffic was going....these out of towners with 6C and 3l plates were getting to me!

So you see I was going through some deep valleys!

I needed some scrappin' time with some of my buds! I may do that tomorrow night for a friend's Birthday - she is having a scrap nite! I feel bad because the big man will be all alone and I don't want him pouting! So I will be playing that plan by ear for now!

It seems like this week has gone by qickly buuutttt my kid has been home sick 1.75 days and it is making me crazy trying to work from home and be a mom! I don't feel like I can give 100% to either because I am only ONE persona! I am sure I am not going to be getting any Mother of the Year awards for this week! I try! Then one of my employees, i.e. dog, had a seizure today...I think I may tell her she can have tomorrow off from the office....ya, ya, I think I will let her sleep in my bed and sleep as long as she wants...OH WAIT, she does that everyday! Then to put the frosting on the dogbone tonight she threw up as we sat down for dinner! BLAH! I just wanted to cry at that point!

Ohhh and the topper is I tried to make the big man's favorite cookie for him tonight and it flops....hmmmm maybe it had to do with the cup of milk I forgot to add! GAWD why ME??? Do I get points for trying???

Tomorrow night the little man is going to spend time with G&G and spend the night as gram has plans for him Saturday a.m. at Home Depot! Constructing something....he loves to build things!

Well scrapping stuff is on HSN right now I am closin for now!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TRYING so hard to DRAG myself out of sadness..

I am so sad over the recent news here in the valley - why do tragedies have such an impact on me?

Okay, so a change of TUNE.....

Not much happenin' lately! Watching the snow melt and earlier had to put my sunglasses on to type at my desk because the sun was so bright off the snow!

I got to make the trek into my workplace yesterday and work from there instead of home. Sure, on the snowiest day of the year when I wanted to get out of bed and stay in my PJ's and slippers and sip a mocha I had to arise WAAAY to early to get in the shower to get myself ready for a workday.... I was kind of nervous about getting out of my driveway to go to work with all the snow from Sunday night but I managed on my 1st attempt. I worked until 4:00 on site and then came home and couldn't make it up the driveway because of the snow so I had to walk....with my computer and purse in hand having to go potty. Not a pretty site! I think with age I am losing more control of my evacuation system - well age and that six week course of radiation therapy I received a few years back that did a job on my intestines and bladder. I barely made it in the door and ran to the bathroom at least as much RUNNING as I could do.....I swear I barely got seated!

I had to deal with the local morons on the road yesterday that was snowpacked and slick who thought that it was okay to go 50 or 60 miles an hour down a hill....I was hoping someone would do a 360 in the road and crap their pants and somehow I could watch them do it all and not be hit or hurt and not be the one crapping my pants!

Can I ask why people are such idiots on the roads in the morning? I mean seriously, your 4-wheel frickin drive ain't going keep you from sliding on the ice! DUH!

Heck the snow has just started coming down, HUGE flakes - YIPPEEE! I love being home and snow! Now just get my 2 men home safely to me! The only way it could get better now is being in a cabin somewhere in the woods with a fire crackling and me having the ability to type from home!

What's for dinner? Anybody got some simple recipes they wanna share? I am thinking a casserole tonight!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Looong weekend......

My son's birthday was Friday so my man and I had taken the day off from work as the kid only had a half day of school. We had just dropped him off at the front door and were doing errands when the school called us to let us know he was in need of being retrieved as he was praying to the porcelain god. BUMMER! Who wants to be sick on their birthday? We took him home and he laid down as did we for awhile. He felt better by evening and we were able to go out for pasta but now he has the gunk/cold stuff going around! I am certainly glad we didn't take off for Boise Friday morning as we had entertained!

It has been kind of a sad weekend for us all. Just reflecting on the local news and a mother being so distraught for whatever reason that she shot three of her children before turning the gun on herself. One of the children passed away and two are struggling to live. There are no answers as to why? My heart aches for the whole family I can't even begin to imagine what they are struggling through. We go to the same church as they do. I just wished someone could have intervened and helped her before she made her decision to do what she did, a phone call, someone stopping by the house before she did this. My heart aches for them! I am so very sorry they have to endure this pain!

Which brings me to a "rant and rave" issue. I am not ranting and raving over the above message because I have no idea why this happened I am just deeply saddened by it all. I am tired of the world frowning on people who need mental help. People view this as a weakness of someone's person. People's whisperings, snide remarks about being "crazy" because someone is seeking a psychiatrist or perhaps spends some time in a mental health unit. This world is more stressful than it ever has been for most of us. There are so many demands/expectations made upon a person's life. I commend anyone who takes the time to get counseling or psychiatric help for issues going on in their lives. A person's trials may not seem "real" to someone else but if they are stressed over it and they need help to get through an issue what business is it of anyone elses standing outside their family circle to make judgment on them - it isn't! People deal with stresses differently, depending on what tools they have or have developed to deal with life's issues. If you go get counseling you are just getting more knowledge/tools to work with and deal with life! Life suck big sometimes - death of loved ones, money issues, medical diagnoses of you or a loved one, growing older, just can't seem to see the silver lining anywhere....get help, speak to your pastor, there are counselors available through some workplaces that are confidential, seek help, get help, it is okay! If you know someone who could use a professional encourage them to go, offer to help them get there, watch the kids, drive them there yourself...just reach out and help them, sometimes when you are going through an issue you just can't seem to get the strength to ask for HELP from someone.

Like I said previously, my heart aches for this family and if we could all just take the time to say a prayer for the kids, the husband, the parents it will make a huge difference.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

P & M time....

I am just so tired of work crap.....why does work have to be so drama filled?
I should have chosen a career where I worked around MEN - I mean seriously! I try to stay positive and it is such a chore some days! I try to think "what the hell, who cares?" but it still sucks! I don't get it? I just don't get it! 1,000 solutions go through my mind but I always choose to cause no waves, eat it, store it because if I say anything I may have a fight on my hand and then what, I don't do well in fights and women can be soooo NASTY, I just don't have the gonads in me to fight - why was I created this way, why do I have to be the wimp, the stupid one who sits by and takes it? WHY OH WHY OH WHY? (there I threw my little fit)

On the other side my problems are so petty and I know that there are so many others out in the world who have WAYYY more valid complaints and woes than me! I am thankful for what I have and people I have in my life, I haven't lost a child or spouse - that is what is important, those are the things I should care about not the smart remarks made to me from people who don't matter in my life! I mean seriously why do I care so much about what other people think of me or what they say to me? I hate it! I get tired of the smart remarks! Maybe that is why I am such a smart mouth myself - but I am a smart mouth in a funny way, I think at least???


I believe that I am here for purpose (but I am so tired of being stepped on).
I believe that I am loved.
I believe that I am a good person.
I believe that the next hour is going to be a better hour.

I believe that I need to let it go and not hang on and dwell on things (but LORD that is a hard one, help me)!

God give me the strength to stand up for me in a positive WAY, be brave, have the right words to say to express myself!

I am sooo tired of allowing my emotions to be controlled by others and want to be happy in my work day and not drug down by others ways!

Now let's go kick some butt!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Not My Fault
More Comments at

Here that Friday 5:00 whistle BLOOOWWWW....

Hey stick your head outside and listen it is Friday at 5:00 and the work week is OVER and the whistle is a blowin! I never thought I was going to make it this week - just one of those LOOONNNGGG weeks combined with the lack of sleep last weekend!

I had to get up very early this a.m. to get myself ready to go to church at 9:00. My son was alter server for the first time! I was really nervous wondering what if, what if, what if - but he did wonderful - I mean for his age he did great! It was nice to make it to church again - I hate to admit, but it has been awhile since I have been there. There are lots of excuses but mostly because my husband has been working some long hours at the old jobfront and he spends his weekends resting and of course, I am not disciplined enough myself to get up and goooo to church myself with the boy.

I have only a few SET plans for the weekend and whatever else I do is last minute! I really want to attempt to go to Smart Girls Crop at CPS but I think after last weekend I better lie low, maybe though, you just never know! We will see how tired the dude is and how much he wants to sleep on the sofa and how much he cares I am home with him.

I think on Sunday we will be going to Shrek 3 - we bought the special pack through the school along with a bazillion other people right? Holy cow I hate crowds - it tends to make me cranky and nasty! I know, I know I shouldn't sweat the small stuff but people can get so naughty when they think they need to be 1st in line or whatever! I don't do well in those situations!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments.. what is it?
1. Produce: Grapes
2. Bakery: Maple bars
3. Meat: Prime rib
4. Frozen: Ice cream
5. Dairy: Yogurt

Let's say we're heading out for a weekend getaway.You're only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you.So, what's in your bag?
1. Jeans
2. T-shirt
3. Socks

If I was to listen in on your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
1. Daisy WHERE ARE YOU and WHAT are you in now?
2. WHAT?
3. Oh or PETE's SAKE!
4. Angelo....
5. I need some alcohol!

So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?
1. Listening to music - quietly/no interruptions.
2. Check my email
3. Sleeping

We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
1. Watching a good old MOVIE.
2. Scrapbooking.
3. Sleeping.
4. Blogging.
5. Listening music.

We are going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it'll have to be a quick visit.What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?
1. Elephants
2. Monkeys/Gorillas
3. Penguins

You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on t.v. of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?
1. Ellen Degeneres
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Little People Big World
4. Grey's Anatomy

You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?
1. Pistachio
2. Tillamook Vanilla Bean
3. Chocolate

Somebody stole your purse/wallet…in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what's in there?
1. Keys
2. Red Wallet
3. Checkbook
4. Bath & Body Hand Cleaner
5. Micro Leatherman

You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
1. Radiologist
2. Public Speaker
3. Crafting person
4. Author

If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
1. Get in a longer line when selecting your future career in college.
2. Get as much education as you can NOW!
3. Save money and then do it!
4. When you have a medical problem get to the bottom of it and don't believe the 1st thing a doctor tells you!

Tag you are NOW it ~ Just DO IT!!


Oriental Frin ahop in a haw caw an apick upa Chinese foo from a Panda Express. She rusha upa mya house and we hava Fria Rie and Egg Roe - it wa vera goo! I wanna thanka oriental frin for doin this foe me! The oney way it a be betta wa it a Friaday an a I not work a tomorrow!

Chinese fortune tell me
People enjoa bein arounda me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ima Fiskateer!

Good news!
I got my gift from today! A pair of Fiskar Crafting scissors, HOW COOL is that? What a great gift from a great company! No cost to me! Engraved with my Fiskateer number!

Serious THOUGHTS....

Okay - I am "seriously" considering deleting my blog - it seems it got me in HOT/HOT water. I really don't set out to HURT or DESTROY relationships - I cherish my friends and friendships! I don't purposely exclude people from my extracurricular activities (scrapbooking times). Yes, I may get caught up in the moment, excitement and anticipation of something and space out someone or something but NEVER on purpose, ever in 100 years - I am NOT that type of person!

I spent many hours working on a special gift for someone over the weekend and BAM like that it is over?

I am teetering on deleting and going on with my private life! I did this blog out of fun and pure enjoyment and not to HURT anyone!

Maybe later and maybe NOT!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On the ROAD to RECOVERY...

I am still recovering from the weekend of scrapbooking - WOW! Amazing! I didn't get a whole lot done - 5 layouts is all but I worked on a special project for quite a bit of time. I was hoping to accomplish more but since this was my 1st crop I guess I should be happy! I will admit I was a little off kilter on Friday night as I was "ALL BY MY LONESOME" for awhile and I felt like I had the plague or something! I didn't really know anyone and unbeknown to most I have a shy side to me when I am around people I am not familiar with! Things were looking brighter by 11:00 Friday night and the rest of the weekend was loads of fun....well okay aside from that ORIGAMI box - maybe it should be called somekind of CHINESE MIND BENDING PUZZLE or something like that....J and I were going to stuff it full of the OOOO LONNNGGGG tea she bought on the net for 49.95 (yes people she really did) and sell it on E-BAY as a 1 and only, limited edition box.....but wait, that is not all if you order within the next 10 minutes we will throw in an extra pack of tea.

Anywho I would like to say it is nice to be back in the groove of the week but it is not - I am tired - maybe my old body doesn't take those late nights as well as it used to. I had to make a visit to the chiropractor yesterday as my low back is tightening up on me (is it from bending over the table all weekend?) and my neck is sore. It is still hurting today though too! My cellulitis in my little toe is much better though and not nearly as sore as it was!

I am going to BELIEVE that my back is going to feel better soon. (There I used that word that I chose to focus on for the year!)

Ta-ta for now chaps!

Friday, January 11, 2008

I am sooo NOT ready for tonight.....

I feel so unorganized for tonight - I am attending a crop and I have nothing ready - thank HEAVEN I requested a half day off from work, I will try to get something together to work on tonight. My life is so unorganized and it never used to be this way when I was younger, I wasn't raised this way and it drives me insane!

How 'bout a prayer for today;

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

How powerful is that?

Well, not much happening to make you laugh right now...the house is quiet, the dogs are asleep (in my bed I might add) and I am working....

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

UPDATE on my toe-toe..........

My baby piglet is doing better after going to ER yesterday - must be the antibiotics and anti-inflammatories! The wee-wee all the way home piggie is much less OWIE today! Aren't you glad I shared! :)

QUOTE for the DAY.....

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together
keep me in your heart,
I'll stay there forever”
~Winnie the Pooh~

One of my employees (i.e. the brown and white one named DAISY) is on my desk and interfering with my Sirius satellite radio as well as my work (you can tell which of those two items rates highest - ha). What is the deal with her today - I have had to remove her from my desk about 20 times today. I triiieeeedddd REALLY hard to let her stay but she keeps putting her cold nose on my fingers as I am typing - you see it is her way of telling me "I need attention - PET ME PLEASE!" I may be giving her a verbal warning soon to start the documentation trail that I may need to let her go as an employee, her nose is WAAYYY to cold for this business and her butt just doesn't have a place on my keyboard!

Maybe more later on tonight and maybe will have to WAIT & See!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008 Off on the right toe.....

Okay so what a way to start the year off - a trip to the ER this a.m. You see my baby toe has been swollen and red for a few days now and getting worse day by day. It is not a ingrown toenail as it is on the side of the toe and into my foot. All I know is it hurts like, like...heck! So after tossing and turning in bed all night with the sheets even touching it just about sending me through the ceiling I decided I better do something with it. Of course this has to happen after 2007 ends so I get to start paying towards my 2008 medical deductible - no, I shouldn't whine because at least I am fortunate to have medical insurance. I start the morning off calling two doctors to try to get in so I could avoid the ER but to no avail. All went well in the ER and they put me on a round of antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory so hopefully it won't be so swollen and hurt sooooo badly!

Funny how such a minor thing can take so much out of a person - I feel pretty drained, probably the stress of going to the ER - you see I HATE THAT and it is so stressful. Then I had to go to a pharmacy to get my medications and stand around and wait some more and that is when my baby toe started throbbing again.

I think I will survive though - thankfully! I am supposed to keep an eye on it.

I decided to treat myself to a cute pair of socks - have you seen the LITTE MISSMATCHED socks - you get three socks and they coordinate but are not the same pattern - I absolutely LOVE them! What could make my baby toe feel better that a brand new pair of socks for it to stay warm in - HA! Good excuse anyhow!

I found a really neat quote off of another blog last night and I loved it - I almost posted it last night but felt that two quotes in one day was just a little tooooo much!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to end;
it's about learning to dance in the rain."

Isn't that a great quote - I mean, we are all going through life and storms constantly and I know I should take things a little less serious and try to be less stressed and cranky and just learn to dance in the rain. I mean things could ALWAYS be a lot worse in each of our lives and most of the the time we don't have to look very far to find someone else who is in the midst of a bigger storm.

Okay, I will step down from my soapbox now but I did really like that quote!

Three short days until I get a weekend for scrapping! WOOHOO!

Oh ya, by the way ~ I still have that LOVELY picture of the QUEEN in all her glory with her frost job on her hair and bleaching the old brows - no one has made an offer to pay for me NOT to post it (that would be you QUEEN WEENIE....)


Monday, January 7, 2008

Deep Thought MONDAY....

A thought on life........

Mountaintops are for views and inspiration,
but fruit is grown in the valleys.
~Billy Graham~

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oh do I have a picture for YOU

So last night I am hangin' with Queen Weenie and her court AND she decides she wants to frost her feathers...oh okay so her hair and her against HER wishes I snapped a shot of her in all her beauty! Now I will or will NOT post this photo depending on who pays me the most cashola to share it or not! HA queenie roll out the royal cash!

Anyhow, we had a great time visiting with her and her kid! What an evening full of laughter and joking!

Do I really have to go to work tomorrow, tell me I don't!

My life is a little humdrum lately ~ must be the post holiday blahs!

Goodnight, farewell, until we meet again!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Can you tell?

My life has been pretty "calm" for a week - no real tragedies to tick me off, okay at least none that I want to publish!

I have had a few days off from the workplace and just lounging and relaxing - not really accomplishing much in the way of ANYTHING! Bad girl....I wanted to organize and get rid of some JUNK but that hasn't happened! I did manage to make some chex party mix!

Off to town today - Gotta get some errands done....