I took it upon myself to drop IHOP a note via the net yesterday afternoon - this is the QUICK response I got.......
Dear Ms. Bitchin' & Bloggin:
Thank you for taking the time to contact us concerning your experience at the IHOP in Lewiston. While it is always disappointing to learn that we have not lived up to our guest's expectations, it is invaluable to receive feedback so that we are able to continually improve our level of guest satisfaction.
We are sorry to learn of the service level and food quality you encountered at this franchised location. However, please be assured that the matter will be shared with the proper individuals to address your concerns.
I have forwarded your concerns to IHOP's Franchise Business Consultant for the West region. They will contact the franchise owner regarding your recent dining experience in this restaurant. We are confident that the franchise owner or his representative will contact you shortly to better understand your concerns. It is our hope that you will once again allow us to earn your trust.
Thank you for keeping us informed.
Teara P.
Hmmm....wonder what this means.....later today THIS ONE arrives...
Dear Bitchin' & Bloggin':
I send my sincerest apologies to you and your family for your experience at the Lewiston I-Hop. Nothing I said to your husband was intended to be rude (WHATEVER....you copped a "tude" lady), in fact I greatly appreciated the fact that he pointed it since the product had just been delivered to us by our supplier the day before (WHATEVER x2 lady with the "tude"). I did go and check the product as soon as he left. It is our policy when guests have a poor service and/or food quality experience that we take care of their ticket. In talking with your husband it was clear this was not a good experience and that is why I took care of the ticket. At no time did I think you were looking for free food. I have discussed this with my general manager and I will be sending coupons along with an invitation to try us again. Once again, I am sorry if I appeared rude, it was not my intention and I send my sincerest apologies.
(name erased to protect the guilty)
Anyone up for an invitation and some IHOP coupons? I double dog dare ya!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
IHOP experience......
Followup post from my scheduled weekend events....
Saturday we got ready early and wanted breakfast so we thought that IHOP sounded okay....not so much after we were finished.
First off I had to ask for a menu for the special that is advertised on TV....so after capturing that menu I decided to order the Oregon Berry choice.
I need to step back a moment for the drink order though - we ordered a carafe of OJ and I asked for a glass of water along with it.....uh ya, a glass of 02....we get the OJ and 4 glasses - there are obviously 3 of us at the table but she brings 4 empty glasses.....okay, I can deal with it - not a big water drinker but I was trying on this particular day.....
Okay so now back to the Oregon Berry pancakes.....so when they bring the order to our table - there are only strawberries on my pancakes....picture shows at least 3 types of berries but I for some odd reason get strawberries only. So I tell the waitress who assures me the manager made them and then asks ME to move the whip cream topping so she can see underneath to see if there is another type of berry - NOPE...so she takes them back to the kitchen. .45 seconds later she arrives back at the table with the same stack of pancakes and one (1) extra berry that is not a strawberry - HECK you guys go ALL OUT DON'T YA! So okay I can deal with it.....
I ordered two eggs over easy.....you know..runny in the middle....NOPE, over hard....so I tell the waitress and she says - "I am sorry, here is your bill".....OKAAAYYYY - not scoring any points with me at this point!
I must add that I am not sure if my pancakes were supposed to have a lemony flavor to them but GROSS - I was hoping for your regular kind of pancakes but what the HECK at this point!
So, I have eaten the whites of my eggs, my two pieces of sausage and now I am playing with my pancakes and visiting with my husband and son who is eating a Go-Gurt (YOGURT) with his Create-a-Face breakfast. I am visualizing on the package that is says 8-14-2008....hmmm...thinking to myself, it is 8-23-2008.....that would mean 9 days outdated....NO WAY! So I ask for the package of YOGURT - YEP, 8/14/08. Okay, I figure he is probably not going to DIE from some poison that was in it that has spoiled but HOLY HECK - this is IHOP!
We head to the payment counter and my husband tells the checkout lady about my overcooked eggs and has the Go-Gurt packet in hand. She quickly tells him she will have to get the manager. He tells the manager about the eggs which is apologetic about. However, when confronted about the outdated YOGURT she cops an attitude with him which doesn't fly - her exact words were - "SIR, it does NOT actually EXPIRE on 8/14 - it says "BEST BY", that does NOT mean it has expired". My husband responds by saying "IT EXPIRES ON 8/14"...to which SHE responds "NO SIR, IT IS BEST IF CONSUMED BY THIS DATE but that DOES NOT MEAN IT IS EXPIRED!"....to which HE says...."Would the HEALTH DEPARTMENT think that it was okay to serve YOGURT that is outdated by nine days?"...to which her response was almost expressed in a song like manner "No sir they wouldn't, I will buy your breakfast for you!" To which we skipped out the front door to her tune!
Now, that was great but we weren't expecting free food - it would have been much nicer which she have taken off her NASTY PANTS before she came out of the back and when confronted about the outdated yogurt say something to the effect of "OH WOW, I am SOOO sorry, thank you SOOO much for pointing that out to ME, I am going to go back and make sure we don't have any more that we are serving that is outdated"!
I am so tired of peoples stinking attitudes!
Saturday we got ready early and wanted breakfast so we thought that IHOP sounded okay....not so much after we were finished.
First off I had to ask for a menu for the special that is advertised on TV....so after capturing that menu I decided to order the Oregon Berry choice.
I need to step back a moment for the drink order though - we ordered a carafe of OJ and I asked for a glass of water along with it.....uh ya, a glass of 02....we get the OJ and 4 glasses - there are obviously 3 of us at the table but she brings 4 empty glasses.....okay, I can deal with it - not a big water drinker but I was trying on this particular day.....
Okay so now back to the Oregon Berry pancakes.....so when they bring the order to our table - there are only strawberries on my pancakes....picture shows at least 3 types of berries but I for some odd reason get strawberries only. So I tell the waitress who assures me the manager made them and then asks ME to move the whip cream topping so she can see underneath to see if there is another type of berry - NOPE...so she takes them back to the kitchen. .45 seconds later she arrives back at the table with the same stack of pancakes and one (1) extra berry that is not a strawberry - HECK you guys go ALL OUT DON'T YA! So okay I can deal with it.....
I ordered two eggs over easy.....you know..runny in the middle....NOPE, over hard....so I tell the waitress and she says - "I am sorry, here is your bill".....OKAAAYYYY - not scoring any points with me at this point!
I must add that I am not sure if my pancakes were supposed to have a lemony flavor to them but GROSS - I was hoping for your regular kind of pancakes but what the HECK at this point!
So, I have eaten the whites of my eggs, my two pieces of sausage and now I am playing with my pancakes and visiting with my husband and son who is eating a Go-Gurt (YOGURT) with his Create-a-Face breakfast. I am visualizing on the package that is says 8-14-2008....hmmm...thinking to myself, it is 8-23-2008.....that would mean 9 days outdated....NO WAY! So I ask for the package of YOGURT - YEP, 8/14/08. Okay, I figure he is probably not going to DIE from some poison that was in it that has spoiled but HOLY HECK - this is IHOP!
We head to the payment counter and my husband tells the checkout lady about my overcooked eggs and has the Go-Gurt packet in hand. She quickly tells him she will have to get the manager. He tells the manager about the eggs which is apologetic about. However, when confronted about the outdated YOGURT she cops an attitude with him which doesn't fly - her exact words were - "SIR, it does NOT actually EXPIRE on 8/14 - it says "BEST BY", that does NOT mean it has expired". My husband responds by saying "IT EXPIRES ON 8/14"...to which SHE responds "NO SIR, IT IS BEST IF CONSUMED BY THIS DATE but that DOES NOT MEAN IT IS EXPIRED!"....to which HE says...."Would the HEALTH DEPARTMENT think that it was okay to serve YOGURT that is outdated by nine days?"...to which her response was almost expressed in a song like manner "No sir they wouldn't, I will buy your breakfast for you!" To which we skipped out the front door to her tune!
Now, that was great but we weren't expecting free food - it would have been much nicer which she have taken off her NASTY PANTS before she came out of the back and when confronted about the outdated yogurt say something to the effect of "OH WOW, I am SOOO sorry, thank you SOOO much for pointing that out to ME, I am going to go back and make sure we don't have any more that we are serving that is outdated"!
I am so tired of peoples stinking attitudes!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Was I busy.....
As usual there is always one weekend in a summer that EVERYTHING falls into and this one happened to be IT!
Weekend Schedule;
5:00 p.m. Friday - off of work
5:30 p.m. head to town to grab a bite to eat
7:00 head to Hot August Nites Cruise on Main
7:15 find places to sit in middle of closed street
8:00 friends arrive to join us in the middle of the street
9:00 get in argument with a "cruiser" trying to go down closed street (Additional Post to Follow)
9:30 watch another cruiser try to go down closed street and have words with another spectator
10:00 pack up and head home
10:30 finish making potato salad
11:30 hit the hay for the night
5:15 a.m. wake up - no reason - just wide awake
5:30 - 6:30 a.m. play on computer
7:00 make "TO DO" list
7:30 Angelo arises from slumber
8:00 Head out to IHOP for breakfast (Additional Post to follow - WHO-O-WHY does everything happen to me)
9:00 Hit STAPLES to drop off some copying projects for Sorority
9:45 After finally finding someone to "MAN" the copy center in the store - drop off copying project - tell them to HOLE PUNCH the 1000 sheet copying project....(Additional post to follow)
10:00 Head to Costco to pick up items for sorority dinner on Sunday afternoon
10:30 Leave Costco to head for home to drop groceries off and pick up cooler and potato salad for family reunion picnic in the park
11:15 Head for the park for family reunion.
11:20 - 4:30 Play at the park with family.
4:30 Back to Staples to pickup copy project - which is not paper punched - remind copy man that items need to be paper punched to which he has no response but quickly hands me the giant Paper Punch for ME to start paper punching - I respond by saying "your kidding right?" to which he has no vocal response but....gives me a look of "NO, I am not kidding - punch away GIRLFRIEND" to which I quickly grabbed PAPER PUNCH and punched away!
5:15 leave staples after paper punching 1000+ sheets and head for home.
5:30 get home - get in pj's for the evening.
5:45 start looking at copy project and realize wrong end of calendar was paper punched.
6:00 make phone call to sorority sister and explain to her that me (being the half-wit I am) paper punched the wrong end of the calendars at Staples and also need to borrow a roaster for our dinner project on Sunday. Sorority sister tells me to bring my copy project over and we will paper punch together on the correct side and we can pick roaster up.
8:00 back home again
8:15 back in pj's
8:15 - 9:00 prep for tomorrow morning's cooking project
9:05 HIT the bed and immediately fall in to deep slumber
7:00 a.m. arise from deep slumber to begin the cooking project & catching up on washing some clothes
7:15 husband enters kitchen and takes over cooking project - WHEW!
7:15 - 11:00 madly wash clothes, fold clothes, hang towels outside, clean kitchen, dispose of garbage.
11:05 hop in shower to prepare for the day of festivities
12:00 head for town to stop at dollar stores
1:00 arrive at sorority sisters home who has graciously offered her backyard for our sorority festivities.
1:05 start decorating for late afternoon party.
1:50 finish decorating & run to car
2:00 hit secret location for SI and a Diet Pepsi
2:15 arrive at my parents house to borrow a Hawaiian shirt and a big kettle
2:15 - 2:40 visit with SIL, bro, nephew, nephew's girlfriend, two great nephews...
2:40 sprint to car with kettle and shirt - open door and 8 lb bag of ice falls on my foot - OUCH - no time to cry though so hop in car
2:41 head for home - en route make phone call to husband who wonders WHEN I am going to be home.....
2:50 arrive home - put ice in cooler, drag supplies in.
2:55 start watching pasta for husband as he jumps in shower, drain pasta, mix sauce with pasta so we don't have conglomerated pasta dish....
3:15 start packing things to car and leave for picnic function
3:20 stop at mini mart for more Diet Pepsi....
4:00 arrive at sorority sisters home, unload car and crash at picnic table.
4:00 - 8:00 party, celebrate, drink, visit, clean up (though I was the least helpful of all by this point)....drag myself back to the car, crawl in......
8:15 arrive home - unload car, put food away, pans in sink to soak, get in pj's to watch remainder of Closing Ceremony of Olympics......fall asleep on sofa, wake up, bribe child into putting lotion on my feet....go to bed and crash big time!
And WOOLAAAHHHH here it is Monday morning......
Weekend Schedule;
5:00 p.m. Friday - off of work
5:30 p.m. head to town to grab a bite to eat
7:00 head to Hot August Nites Cruise on Main
7:15 find places to sit in middle of closed street
8:00 friends arrive to join us in the middle of the street
9:00 get in argument with a "cruiser" trying to go down closed street (Additional Post to Follow)
9:30 watch another cruiser try to go down closed street and have words with another spectator
10:00 pack up and head home
10:30 finish making potato salad
11:30 hit the hay for the night
5:15 a.m. wake up - no reason - just wide awake
5:30 - 6:30 a.m. play on computer
7:00 make "TO DO" list
7:30 Angelo arises from slumber
8:00 Head out to IHOP for breakfast (Additional Post to follow - WHO-O-WHY does everything happen to me)
9:00 Hit STAPLES to drop off some copying projects for Sorority
9:45 After finally finding someone to "MAN" the copy center in the store - drop off copying project - tell them to HOLE PUNCH the 1000 sheet copying project....(Additional post to follow)
10:00 Head to Costco to pick up items for sorority dinner on Sunday afternoon
10:30 Leave Costco to head for home to drop groceries off and pick up cooler and potato salad for family reunion picnic in the park
11:15 Head for the park for family reunion.
11:20 - 4:30 Play at the park with family.
4:30 Back to Staples to pickup copy project - which is not paper punched - remind copy man that items need to be paper punched to which he has no response but quickly hands me the giant Paper Punch for ME to start paper punching - I respond by saying "your kidding right?" to which he has no vocal response but....gives me a look of "NO, I am not kidding - punch away GIRLFRIEND" to which I quickly grabbed PAPER PUNCH and punched away!
5:15 leave staples after paper punching 1000+ sheets and head for home.
5:30 get home - get in pj's for the evening.
5:45 start looking at copy project and realize wrong end of calendar was paper punched.
6:00 make phone call to sorority sister and explain to her that me (being the half-wit I am) paper punched the wrong end of the calendars at Staples and also need to borrow a roaster for our dinner project on Sunday. Sorority sister tells me to bring my copy project over and we will paper punch together on the correct side and we can pick roaster up.
8:00 back home again
8:15 back in pj's
8:15 - 9:00 prep for tomorrow morning's cooking project
9:05 HIT the bed and immediately fall in to deep slumber
7:00 a.m. arise from deep slumber to begin the cooking project & catching up on washing some clothes
7:15 husband enters kitchen and takes over cooking project - WHEW!
7:15 - 11:00 madly wash clothes, fold clothes, hang towels outside, clean kitchen, dispose of garbage.
11:05 hop in shower to prepare for the day of festivities
12:00 head for town to stop at dollar stores
1:00 arrive at sorority sisters home who has graciously offered her backyard for our sorority festivities.
1:05 start decorating for late afternoon party.
1:50 finish decorating & run to car
2:00 hit secret location for SI and a Diet Pepsi
2:15 arrive at my parents house to borrow a Hawaiian shirt and a big kettle
2:15 - 2:40 visit with SIL, bro, nephew, nephew's girlfriend, two great nephews...
2:40 sprint to car with kettle and shirt - open door and 8 lb bag of ice falls on my foot - OUCH - no time to cry though so hop in car
2:41 head for home - en route make phone call to husband who wonders WHEN I am going to be home.....
2:50 arrive home - put ice in cooler, drag supplies in.
2:55 start watching pasta for husband as he jumps in shower, drain pasta, mix sauce with pasta so we don't have conglomerated pasta dish....
3:15 start packing things to car and leave for picnic function
3:20 stop at mini mart for more Diet Pepsi....
4:00 arrive at sorority sisters home, unload car and crash at picnic table.
4:00 - 8:00 party, celebrate, drink, visit, clean up (though I was the least helpful of all by this point)....drag myself back to the car, crawl in......
8:15 arrive home - unload car, put food away, pans in sink to soak, get in pj's to watch remainder of Closing Ceremony of Olympics......fall asleep on sofa, wake up, bribe child into putting lotion on my feet....go to bed and crash big time!
And WOOLAAAHHHH here it is Monday morning......
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Out of the mouths of.....Doctors.....
Come on a trip with me to what I listen to every day....sit back and grab a glass of something relaxing.......just today here is what I have heard....
~ She is a horse woman.....hmmm....and I say, does that mean she is part horse/part woman - has she thought of a career as a circus sideshow?
~ The patient sleeps with Benadryl at night....hmmm.....in the bottle on her pillow or what?
~ To the nursing home with Dr. WHOKNOWS....hmmm....so is he driving her there or is she sharing a room with him......
All in a days work....
~ She is a horse woman.....hmmm....and I say, does that mean she is part horse/part woman - has she thought of a career as a circus sideshow?
~ The patient sleeps with Benadryl at night....hmmm.....in the bottle on her pillow or what?
~ To the nursing home with Dr. WHOKNOWS....hmmm....so is he driving her there or is she sharing a room with him......
All in a days work....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Regarding Chinese gymnastics.........
I found this interesting on one of my adoption blogs - it is one person asking questions and the response from an American living in China...
Just wondering about Fei Chang, she is the 20 yr old on the Chinese Gymnastic Team. Now that she has won the gold and now will benefit with a substantial amount of money and endorsements, will she be able to leave the program and go onto college? I'm sure she is proud, but, she did not look like a happy young lady inside. You could just see it on her face.
Response: She will have some endorsements especially if she gets more gold medals during the games. She likely did not get sufficient education while in gymnastics training to go to college. Maybe, but usually not. She will likely go on, as most athletes do in China, to be a coach.
Her's is a bitter-sweet story. They have to endure grueling stretching exercises to turn their feet inward and build muscle strength, not to mention the heartbreaking stories of their childhood being stolen away to a life of Gymnastics.
Response: This is a global story, not just a China issue when it comes to elite gymnasts.
Does the Government provide tickets and accomodations to these girls
families to be at the Olympics with their daughters?
Response: I am sure the parents are given tickets but not sure about the other aspects such as hotel rooms, meals, etc.
I happen to have photos that include three of the gymnasts on the current China team who trained in Beijing at the Shichahai sports training institute when they were 4-6 years of age in 2002. My daughter was 9-10 at the time taking an expat gymnastics class, she's now 15. That makes those gymnasts around 12 years old. Even China Daily has reported that 4 gymnasts were under the age of 16. I worry that they will be stripped of their medals! These kids have spent their lives in residential gymnastics training. The women's coach was one of their coaches even in 2002.
Just wondering about Fei Chang, she is the 20 yr old on the Chinese Gymnastic Team. Now that she has won the gold and now will benefit with a substantial amount of money and endorsements, will she be able to leave the program and go onto college? I'm sure she is proud, but, she did not look like a happy young lady inside. You could just see it on her face.
Response: She will have some endorsements especially if she gets more gold medals during the games. She likely did not get sufficient education while in gymnastics training to go to college. Maybe, but usually not. She will likely go on, as most athletes do in China, to be a coach.
Her's is a bitter-sweet story. They have to endure grueling stretching exercises to turn their feet inward and build muscle strength, not to mention the heartbreaking stories of their childhood being stolen away to a life of Gymnastics.
Response: This is a global story, not just a China issue when it comes to elite gymnasts.
Does the Government provide tickets and accomodations to these girls
families to be at the Olympics with their daughters?
Response: I am sure the parents are given tickets but not sure about the other aspects such as hotel rooms, meals, etc.
I happen to have photos that include three of the gymnasts on the current China team who trained in Beijing at the Shichahai sports training institute when they were 4-6 years of age in 2002. My daughter was 9-10 at the time taking an expat gymnastics class, she's now 15. That makes those gymnasts around 12 years old. Even China Daily has reported that 4 gymnasts were under the age of 16. I worry that they will be stripped of their medals! These kids have spent their lives in residential gymnastics training. The women's coach was one of their coaches even in 2002.
I feel like it's Friday already.....
I worked last Sunday so I feel like today should be Friday.....fortunately starting at 10:30 this a.m. every hour I work from here on out through Saturday at midnight is OT - yeppers....time and a half!
I was trying to get tomorrow off but unfortunately, for whatever reason, I cannot have it off - so it is six days in a row of typing and my arms/neck are killing me but what the heck! Joe has tomorrow off - we had planned to go to Boise if I got the time off but that didn't work out - so I will give him some HONEY DO's to get done tomorrow....though not too many because I don't want to overwhelm him. First and foremost on the list is to get the registration in for Angelo to attend a new school! I think we are 100% now on sending him public....I was still feeling very uneasy about it until I went to a birthday party last Friday night with parents from the private school and there was a lot of much needed confirmation for my heart from parents! Yes, it makes me sad that he must leave his friends but he needs to function at his speed and level and public school is the only option for us here in L-town! So there ya have it! I have nearly all his school supplies ready for school - just a couple of things left!
I have been dealing with some anger issues this past week - anger because of the way I am treated....you know, life just plain sucks sometimes! As I have said before, I feel like I am a pretty good person, I don't like to intentionally hurt people or make people feel bad and I could never purposely do something to anyone to make them feel bad! I wasn't raised that way, don't get a thrill out of playing with people's emotions and I don't need Power Trips! No, I didn't have the perfect childhood but I was raised with a brain and taught to be fair and treat people like humans but that just isn't how the OLD world is these days!
I, like most, have been keeping an eye on the Olympics this week! The other night as I was watching gymnastics I told Joe there is NO WAY those Chinese girls are 16 as they kept saying they were.....NO WAY! Later on the broadcasters said that there is belief that they are NOT 16 and Chinese government has faked their paperwork to make them 16....sad! Then there is the little girl who supposedly was NOT presentable, because of her teeth, to sing at the opening ceremony - WHAT? I saw her picture on the i-net and she is a doll! But, I have no doubt it is the truth! I have been reading adoption blogs on Chinese adoption for 4 years now and I have NO DOUBT this stuff really happens! That along with everything else they have done to prepare for the Olympics - it is just is a sad feeling in my heart that things go on like they do in the world!
I don't know if I am weird or what - do I think and let things bother me too much? Sometimes I hate being so sensitive to my emotions - I HATE IT!
On an up note....tonight is an ice cream social for sorority! I think it will be fun to see people and visit for a bit!
Beginning Day is coming up too for sorority! YIPPEE! I really hope I, as well as all the others, have a good year that is fulfilling in our hearts and we can put aside the petty things that don't mean a thing in the realm of things.
Some of the things I have been enjoying lately are;
~Hummingbirds buzzing at the feeder and bickering with each other - it is really cute actually....wished they realized there were 4 spots for them and they don't have to FIGHT about it!
~The thought of seeing my family in a couple of weeks at our family picnic.
~Buying school supplies for Ang - it is just plain fun to go out and buy brand new crayons, markers, paints.....I can remember how exciting it was as a child - doesn't that sound like it could be a ULTRA-Cool scrapbook page too - just one on school supplies?
~Spending a few hours with Kristi chatting at the store last Saturday! It was fun just to touch base and visit - knowing we both had to gather our warrior equipment and leave the safety of the store and head out to fight more BATTLES in life! Life is really not so much fun sometimes but isn't it great just to see a friend a know that you support one another in your lives?
~Spending time with Ang and knowing that in just a few days he will be back at school. Life goes by so fast...way too fast! I need to enjoy the moments more!
I was trying to get tomorrow off but unfortunately, for whatever reason, I cannot have it off - so it is six days in a row of typing and my arms/neck are killing me but what the heck! Joe has tomorrow off - we had planned to go to Boise if I got the time off but that didn't work out - so I will give him some HONEY DO's to get done tomorrow....though not too many because I don't want to overwhelm him. First and foremost on the list is to get the registration in for Angelo to attend a new school! I think we are 100% now on sending him public....I was still feeling very uneasy about it until I went to a birthday party last Friday night with parents from the private school and there was a lot of much needed confirmation for my heart from parents! Yes, it makes me sad that he must leave his friends but he needs to function at his speed and level and public school is the only option for us here in L-town! So there ya have it! I have nearly all his school supplies ready for school - just a couple of things left!
I have been dealing with some anger issues this past week - anger because of the way I am treated....you know, life just plain sucks sometimes! As I have said before, I feel like I am a pretty good person, I don't like to intentionally hurt people or make people feel bad and I could never purposely do something to anyone to make them feel bad! I wasn't raised that way, don't get a thrill out of playing with people's emotions and I don't need Power Trips! No, I didn't have the perfect childhood but I was raised with a brain and taught to be fair and treat people like humans but that just isn't how the OLD world is these days!
I, like most, have been keeping an eye on the Olympics this week! The other night as I was watching gymnastics I told Joe there is NO WAY those Chinese girls are 16 as they kept saying they were.....NO WAY! Later on the broadcasters said that there is belief that they are NOT 16 and Chinese government has faked their paperwork to make them 16....sad! Then there is the little girl who supposedly was NOT presentable, because of her teeth, to sing at the opening ceremony - WHAT? I saw her picture on the i-net and she is a doll! But, I have no doubt it is the truth! I have been reading adoption blogs on Chinese adoption for 4 years now and I have NO DOUBT this stuff really happens! That along with everything else they have done to prepare for the Olympics - it is just is a sad feeling in my heart that things go on like they do in the world!
I don't know if I am weird or what - do I think and let things bother me too much? Sometimes I hate being so sensitive to my emotions - I HATE IT!
On an up note....tonight is an ice cream social for sorority! I think it will be fun to see people and visit for a bit!
Beginning Day is coming up too for sorority! YIPPEE! I really hope I, as well as all the others, have a good year that is fulfilling in our hearts and we can put aside the petty things that don't mean a thing in the realm of things.
Some of the things I have been enjoying lately are;
~Hummingbirds buzzing at the feeder and bickering with each other - it is really cute actually....wished they realized there were 4 spots for them and they don't have to FIGHT about it!
~The thought of seeing my family in a couple of weeks at our family picnic.
~Buying school supplies for Ang - it is just plain fun to go out and buy brand new crayons, markers, paints.....I can remember how exciting it was as a child - doesn't that sound like it could be a ULTRA-Cool scrapbook page too - just one on school supplies?
~Spending a few hours with Kristi chatting at the store last Saturday! It was fun just to touch base and visit - knowing we both had to gather our warrior equipment and leave the safety of the store and head out to fight more BATTLES in life! Life is really not so much fun sometimes but isn't it great just to see a friend a know that you support one another in your lives?
~Spending time with Ang and knowing that in just a few days he will be back at school. Life goes by so fast...way too fast! I need to enjoy the moments more!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
And the Thunder Rolls and the Lightening Strikes....
I am so thankful for the storm this morning....my only wish is that it would do it all day cause it matches my mood! I love the lightening and thunder....all I can hear is Garth Brooks singing in my ears - "and the thunder rolls & the lightening strikes....." oh ya baby! Thank you God for the thunder & lightening this morning! Truly, I needed it!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Awesome yellow squash recipe.....
In recognition of all the excess YELLOW SQUASH out there....I have a great recipe.
I have made this twice now and it was yummy both times;
Try it....I dare you!
4 cups sliced yellow squash
1/2 cup chopped onion
35 buttery round crackers (Ritz) crushed
1-1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon salt
ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons butter
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
2. Place squash and onion in a large skillet over medium heat. Pour in a small amount of water. Cover, and cook until squash is tender, about 5 minutes. Drain well, and place in a large bowl.
3. In a medium bowl, mix together cracker crumbs and cheese. Stir half of the cracker mixture into the cooked squash and onions. In a small bowl, mix together eggs and milk, then add to squash mixture. Stir in 1/4 cup melted butter, and season with salt and pepper. Spread into a 9x13 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining cracker mixture, and dot with 2 tablespoons butter.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until lightly browned.
I have made this twice now and it was yummy both times;
Try it....I dare you!
4 cups sliced yellow squash
1/2 cup chopped onion
35 buttery round crackers (Ritz) crushed
1-1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon salt
ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons butter
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
2. Place squash and onion in a large skillet over medium heat. Pour in a small amount of water. Cover, and cook until squash is tender, about 5 minutes. Drain well, and place in a large bowl.
3. In a medium bowl, mix together cracker crumbs and cheese. Stir half of the cracker mixture into the cooked squash and onions. In a small bowl, mix together eggs and milk, then add to squash mixture. Stir in 1/4 cup melted butter, and season with salt and pepper. Spread into a 9x13 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining cracker mixture, and dot with 2 tablespoons butter.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Spokane, school shopping and Elvis again........
Spokane and school shopping....and ELVIS again....
Saturday morning we arose bright and early to go to Spokane for the day. First off Joe had to get his hair cut so I sent him to the barber with Ang and I stopped off at the coffee shop to visit with sorority friends....it is always good for girl time and laughter! Joe showed up to pick me up and we headed up the hill towards Spokane. We really weren't sure what we wanted to do once we got there so it was an unplanned and spur of the moment trip. We hit Northtown and walked the entire loop of the mall plus hit Sears and Kohl's - total purchase was around $10 at Barnes & Noble for a mind buster game for Ang.
We stopped at a ladies clothing store I like to shop at and I purchased two special pairs of underoos for myself - they were a bargain at 2.50 a pair on clearance and they are usually 8.00.
From there we went to Costco to look for a replacement sewing machine for Rosie who died and had to be returned a week ago. They have a new Singer out that seems to be a little heavier machine and has a metal bobbin case, I am 99% sure that is the boy I am going to bring home. Now to figure out a name for him and hoping he won't have to be returned. I would have purchased him then but he goes on sale in August 11th so I shall wait and birth him here locally (hopefully they will have him).
By this time, as lame as it may seem we were hungry shoppers and wanted to go somewhere a little nicer since we don't get up to Spokane very often so we went to Black Angus. My gosh the waitress was really pretty good but they were so S-L-O-W on getting the food to us and drinks I thought I was going to go bezerk....seriously! We were sitting at a table where you couldn't see the next table and guess what....after listening to their conversation for an hour, not trying to listen but because they were speaking so loud we had no choice - they decided to leave and it was ELVIS....yup - you may remember my last encounter with Elvis was when he was in the Portland area on Spring Break and he was pumping gas - well Saturday he was eating at Blank Angus - he popped out of the table next to ours and I could hardly believe it! I was in such awe I forgot to ask for an autograph! Damn his hair looked good though and those sideburns - Wow, I was all shook up, ya baby!
From Black Angus....with our to go cartons in hand - they always have WAY to much food for a person....we detoured to Krispy Kremes because Ang had been begging all day to go to that donut shop where you can watch them make donuts....so we did! Now, I don't visit there often but....with the economy the way it is....they have been forced to cut back their HOT & NOW free donuts....the cut them in 4 pieces now and serve them with toothpicks....1/4th of a donut! YEP, it is the truth - my son was saddened by this but at least he has the memory of the day when you could go in and be served a fresh/hot donut for free. Furthermore, with the 1/4 of a donut - you have to ASK apparently now because they weren't serving them to anyone until Angelo asked and then she cut them in fourths......
After the let down of Krispy Kremes for the kid we "HIT THE ROAD JACK" and hightailed it for home! We made it back to L-town a bit before 10:00! What a day hey!
Sunday I read the paper and hit all the stores with the adds for school supplies. It is that time of year to prepare. There was a slight bump in the road when Ang asked why he had to go to a new school and we talked about it again and he asked if his friends new he wouldn't be back and I said "no" and then he said he didn't want to talk about it anymore. I tried to explain to him but he started going in to this hyperventilation mode where he breaths really loud and fast through his nose.....so I shut up! MELTDOWN time for me! I crashed until dark last night before I arose from my cave of doom.....
Thankfully, today is a bettery day. I got up and made a lunch for Ang for Kids College this week and then whipped up a loaf of homemade banana bread. Tonight I am making Mexican Rice and Pork Verde - hopefully it all turns out!
I have 100+ things to do so I better shut up for now....
Saturday morning we arose bright and early to go to Spokane for the day. First off Joe had to get his hair cut so I sent him to the barber with Ang and I stopped off at the coffee shop to visit with sorority friends....it is always good for girl time and laughter! Joe showed up to pick me up and we headed up the hill towards Spokane. We really weren't sure what we wanted to do once we got there so it was an unplanned and spur of the moment trip. We hit Northtown and walked the entire loop of the mall plus hit Sears and Kohl's - total purchase was around $10 at Barnes & Noble for a mind buster game for Ang.
We stopped at a ladies clothing store I like to shop at and I purchased two special pairs of underoos for myself - they were a bargain at 2.50 a pair on clearance and they are usually 8.00.
From there we went to Costco to look for a replacement sewing machine for Rosie who died and had to be returned a week ago. They have a new Singer out that seems to be a little heavier machine and has a metal bobbin case, I am 99% sure that is the boy I am going to bring home. Now to figure out a name for him and hoping he won't have to be returned. I would have purchased him then but he goes on sale in August 11th so I shall wait and birth him here locally (hopefully they will have him).
By this time, as lame as it may seem we were hungry shoppers and wanted to go somewhere a little nicer since we don't get up to Spokane very often so we went to Black Angus. My gosh the waitress was really pretty good but they were so S-L-O-W on getting the food to us and drinks I thought I was going to go bezerk....seriously! We were sitting at a table where you couldn't see the next table and guess what....after listening to their conversation for an hour, not trying to listen but because they were speaking so loud we had no choice - they decided to leave and it was ELVIS....yup - you may remember my last encounter with Elvis was when he was in the Portland area on Spring Break and he was pumping gas - well Saturday he was eating at Blank Angus - he popped out of the table next to ours and I could hardly believe it! I was in such awe I forgot to ask for an autograph! Damn his hair looked good though and those sideburns - Wow, I was all shook up, ya baby!
From Black Angus....with our to go cartons in hand - they always have WAY to much food for a person....we detoured to Krispy Kremes because Ang had been begging all day to go to that donut shop where you can watch them make donuts....so we did! Now, I don't visit there often but....with the economy the way it is....they have been forced to cut back their HOT & NOW free donuts....the cut them in 4 pieces now and serve them with toothpicks....1/4th of a donut! YEP, it is the truth - my son was saddened by this but at least he has the memory of the day when you could go in and be served a fresh/hot donut for free. Furthermore, with the 1/4 of a donut - you have to ASK apparently now because they weren't serving them to anyone until Angelo asked and then she cut them in fourths......
After the let down of Krispy Kremes for the kid we "HIT THE ROAD JACK" and hightailed it for home! We made it back to L-town a bit before 10:00! What a day hey!
Sunday I read the paper and hit all the stores with the adds for school supplies. It is that time of year to prepare. There was a slight bump in the road when Ang asked why he had to go to a new school and we talked about it again and he asked if his friends new he wouldn't be back and I said "no" and then he said he didn't want to talk about it anymore. I tried to explain to him but he started going in to this hyperventilation mode where he breaths really loud and fast through his nose.....so I shut up! MELTDOWN time for me! I crashed until dark last night before I arose from my cave of doom.....
Thankfully, today is a bettery day. I got up and made a lunch for Ang for Kids College this week and then whipped up a loaf of homemade banana bread. Tonight I am making Mexican Rice and Pork Verde - hopefully it all turns out!
I have 100+ things to do so I better shut up for now....
Friday, August 1, 2008
On strike because, well everyone seems to be so I joined.....

Me and my favorite babe - Princess K
Okay - so I am breaking the strike line (at least the imaginary one) and will blogggggg.....
It has been a fast week - I mean it seems to have went by like a lightening bolt!
Highlights of the week....well there were 7 Blackhaw helicopters that flew over my house on Wednesday - that was cool...actually didn't know what they were until I read the paper the next day.
I have been researching a replacement for Rosie and went to Bernina last night and although I appreciated the lady waiting on my greatly - not only because I personally know her but she is a great person - however, the head chick pissed me off....I was looking at a new machine and she said I could try it out in their classroom in the store if I wanted to pay $25.00....that just doesn't sound to cool to me, ya know...I mean I am a potential customer going to possibly purchase a $800 plus machine and they don't even want to let me test drive one. I am still contemplating what action I should take on this....whether to call the store, the main headquarters or just let it fly! I think they need to know though.....I mean I don't have this kind of money falling out of my bum so it is quite a purchase if I decide to do it! In the past when I bought my Deco there they were awesome with me....Hmmm...stew, stew, stewing on this.....
I looked at an awesome anniversary band - it was sweet - omygosh - if only I had another $3500 falling out of my bum I would have this baby! Investment right??? Maybe???
Other than that my life is pretty lame.....way lame.....The kid has been in Kids College all week and will be in Kids College next week too! It has been good for him - he really, really enjoys the computer classes. I actually think he "may" be coming to terms with starting at a different school too, at least Joe thinks so!
Oh and I think we are heading out of town for awhile tomorrow - simply just to get out of town....
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