Friday, December 28, 2007

It's FRIDAY! Let's get this PARTY STARTED!

Okay so I finally made it through this week - was a long one! Funny how the work week is interrupted by Chrismas and turns out to almost be a longer week than a normal work week!

Well, I gotta get my "SHIP" together and head out to meet with my buds for some serious scrapping tonight at CPS. Should be relaxing and filled with laughter - with any luck my Indian Pharmacist friend will show up and we can poke fun at each other for awhile. Part of me would rather stay home and crash and snooze for awhile but I need to get out and socialize since I am locked up in this home working all day with three of my employees, the ones who chase the UPS and DHL drivers and also the same employees who sleep all day only to arise from MY bed to go do their jobs (pee or poo and with any luck that is "outside"), get a drink or have a few tidbits of food. Sometimes they will wander by the desk and give me tail wag (I actually think they do that just to rub in the fact that they can sleep all day, still get food, warmth and a blanket to sleep in)!

I am off to curl my mop now (that would be my hair in case you are wondering - no, I don't actually curl the floor mop - like I have time for that?). I have to be partially presentabe for a public apperance! I may spray a little sparkly in my hair for flair!

1 comment:

Kristi O said...

I am so glad you came down last nite. you and Jamie completely make me laugh! I am glad Joe and angelo came too. It was so much fun getting out and about, i love "your employees" you need to take some pictures of them!