Saturday, January 24, 2009

Birthday Party.....

Today was Angelo's birthday party.......
we went to Bumpers....he had six friends come. They were all pretty nice kids - wait, they were all extremely nice kids! I think they all had a load of fun hanging out and spending tokens on games. Pizza, pop, cookies & brownies......I will post photos tomorrow maybe - I am too tired to have the patience to wait for the downloading process tonight.

The party was nice and relaxing - don't get me wrong I am exhausted but it was a nice low key party and the kids were great and the parents were great! I managed to sink a few coins into the machines myself....

I finally bit the bullet and bought Twilight for myself today.....everyone is raving about it so I will give it a try! I am usually not into those kinds of books but I will "try" to do my best to read it!

Not much else happening at the moment ~ I am going to crochet some more on my latest work of art! Although I am extremely jealious of the quilting that is going on in someone elses life! GRRR!


MrsD said...

I have 50 books listed on and Twilight is one of them. Take your's back and buy mine for $3.00! lol

DId A have fun!?!?!?!

1funmommy said...

I just borrowed the first Twilight from Arlonne! I am hooked!