Monday, January 12, 2009

Hopefully UP times just around the corner.....

I am hoping for better times around the know once President Obama is in office. I don't expect miracles but this economy stuff see my friends lost their job and my heart is very sad for them and up until now the jobless news hasn't hit home....but suddenly it slammed into me - sucks big time! I hate that bad things happen to good people.....I will never understand that..... The worst part is that some high up idiot leaked the news out to the local TRIBUNE before the company even informed people and sent everyone into a panic! THANKS DUDE or DUDETTE - you are a loser ya know - perhaps you should apply for some "GOSSIP" magazine and get paid for your dirty have heard the song with the lyrics "DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP".....ya, you should haul your kahooter down somewhere and get a gossip job! Your mouth has caused pain in a lot of local families! To bad it wasn't your kahooter that was on the line to lose your position! Can you say "LOSER" as you look in the mirror each morning?

Okay - so more on the up note! I know, know, know that somehow this family will make it through this torrential rainstorm in their life and will come out the other side stronger! It sucks and I can't begin to image this but I know that they will make it! Rely on your friends if need be! If you need to talk pick up the phone and call any of us we will be there!

And can we all say Ba BYE to President Bush when he closed the whitehouse door for the last time ..... like really soon!


MrsD said...

So this means we can move into your tent trailor? ;)

Bfun1 said...

HA - ha - it needs it roof vent fixed but if it works for ya and you need it - its yours to use Girl!

MrsD said...

I bet I know where I could get some breakfast oh maybe sausage gravy. ;)

1funmommy said...

You got it! I can make some GOOD sausage gravy! We have a tent camper too. You could always put the two together :)

MrsD said...

lol. One for jeff and me and one for Khloe and Riley.