Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What a HUGE day yesterday.....

First & foremost.....





Yesterday was a busy day - I had myself scheduled for a meeting bright & early on customer service - very informative - mandatory by my employer - it was enlightening to understand what customers expect from businesses - much more than a few years ago as we are more informed & knowledgeable as consumers and so many options available for potential customers.

Interesting and fun to meet some of the new people at work since I am working at home most of the time.

Anyhow.....I didn't realize I had scheduled myself for this mandatory meeting on the Inauguration Day! So I DVR'd it hoping to get some glimpses later! What a day huh? Lots of different insights and stories! I am so excited for a new start.....fresh ideas.....hopefully things will be better for all in America eventually, though I realize it will take lots of time and work and don't expect things to change overnight. I am happy for the Obama family but I also think about how much those girls little lives will change now and forever. I may think about odd things....but I wonder will they have slumber parties at the Whitehouse? Will dad still have tea parties with them in the midst of his new life? What will it be like for these girls down the road....only time will tell. They are now performing for the whole world and have secret service watching over them. God Bless those girls! I worry about something happening to our new president, I have since he won the election - hopefully my worries are never validated.

Last night it was off to sorority. I was in charge of the program so I had to "think" of something to do....I did sweat over this one believe me! I had thoughts about doing something meaningful and not a lot of work like in the past when I have done things. Then last week I had an idea, the idea arose because my Sunday school teacher passed away at age 98 - she was older when she was our teacher and most of the kids dreaded Sunday School with her but I always admired her knowledge and love of God. Anyhow, thinking about her and the meaningful things she did for me and our class. She at one time had us take little pieces of paper and write one or two words about each person in our class. Positive and uplifting words - nothing negative! Then we were each given our pieces of paper. I still have these pieces of paper in my bible today. It was just an meaningful thing to me! Sooo, anyhow for sorority last night I designed these little gift tags - that we can use as bookmarks, then I gave a heart to each person to write positive things about each person on and then we strung them on our bookmark (tags)! I thought it was a nice thing to do and uplifting but I am not sure what others were thinking. Sometimes it is just nice to read positive things about one's self.

Anyhow - I posted some pictures in the above post of my latest creations!


1funmommy said...

Thank you! And I LOVED your program last night! Seriously! I'm going to keep it forever!

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Sorry I missed it. Still not feeling well. =(

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

And I need a bookmark too

MrsD said...

See? You're so good. I think that was a perfect program especially being the day after MLK day/Human Rights Day and it also then being the inaugeration of a new president.

I too have thought about those little girls a lot too lately. The Obama's appear to have raised good kids so far and I don't think ( I hope) that will change with their new lives.

Grey Rooster said...

OMG, gee you all are a bunch of desperate housewives, I mean the group, hehehehe well hell all of you sounds better, really kewl though I like the heart idea, almost made me cry.... I have nothing left to say but hope life brings hapiness soon...