Did you know that it is Friday? Woot-woot!
What a week - it has been rather a bumpy one for me...seems certain people were on my nerves all week and I felt victimized and battered all week. I hate that and I hate that people think they can be naughty to me. I think they do it because the know I won't freak out on them or call them on it! I figure if I say anything to the person it will only make matters worse for me - so just let it roll, there is nothing I can do to change the situation currently and nothing I say is going to make a difference. So there ya have it - the week from hell in a thick fog!
I am thankful it is Friday and I am off of work for the weekend. It looks like we may have one day of sunshine for the weekend (Saturday). Tomorrow is a soccer game with the kid and that is ANOTHER huge stress in my life but oh well...again just breath and go on through it. I really don't think I am that hard to like? I mean I play cranky sometimes but for pete's sake I hope people know I am doing it for laughter.
I have GOT to get my act together and get back on my WW plan and back to Fit Express. I cannot say how bad I feel in just three weeks of sickness and being lazy. My joints hurt, my feet are swelling again by the end of the day after sitting and typing all day. Not a good picture ya know! I dread, dread, dread having to go weigh-in tomorrow - I hate it! There was a great article in the WW magazine this month - it was about clutter (my house is clutterfied - trust me) anyhow, it went in to weight and how weight is kind of like clutter. You may eat because you are trying to find something that is going to satisfy you and when one thing doesn't you go to another and eat it, the cycle continues and you are cluttering your body with extra poundage. A thought has stuck with me, it is a hard one to accept - but I chose every item that I have consumed, no one else is responsible for putting the things in my mouth, it was me. I can't lay blame on anyone for this. That is a hard one to stand up to you know - it is affecting my life, my family's life, my health, my enjoyment in life! There are so many limitations set on an overweight person - things that a person who hasn't had a weight problem would EVER think of.
Okay so as I am sitting here typing away I hear crunching over behind the sofa...rattling, crunching....oh my, I look around and guess who is missing? Ms. Daisy Lou Who - she has gotten a pack of saltine crackers (don't ask me where) and is trying to break into them - HOLY COW dog! She knows she is doing bad because when I get up to go get them she sees me and her ears droop down and she gives me "sad eyes" - this dog is so full of mischief!
Well I have to go beautify myself for my Friday night outing!
who's akinol?
Daisy Lou Who got the crackers out of the cupboard. She has learned how to open cupboards. Sneaky, sneaky dog. lol.
Oh Brenda, I hope this week is better for you. Are you going to CPS this weekend? Maybe we can go Saturday. I need to finish my personal pages :0)
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