Monday, December 22, 2008

Time keeps on tickin........

Well what a weekend.....

I spent Friday night at Joe's office Christmas party in combo with a retirement party for one of the "greatest" cancer doctors in the valley. It was fun and I laughed a lot - people away from the stress of work letting their office walls down and enjoying life. Food was great even all the SPAM recipes (the SPAM is a story in itself). Anyhow, this doctor is retiring and going to teach college courses in anatomy.....I saw WTG doctor but it will definitely leave a hole in the hearts of many patients and fellow doctors. He was my doctor when I had my battle with cancer and he was just an awesome doctor, you knew he truly cared!

After the party we hit Wally World and can you say "did the weirdos come out of the woods" Friday night or what - there was some interesting people wandering the aisles - kind of like Deliverance kind of people. We picked up a few of the last minute necessities from Wally World and headed home.

Saturday we woke up to more snow and headed out to Costco....early even.....but it was still a crazy scene....The lines were so long and Joe had so much fun standing in line the first time he decided to do it again (actually he had a friend who didn't have a card who was picking up an item for her parents so Joe was nice enough to bring her through on his card). I waited and visited with a nice gentleman from Garfield who was waiting for his family to come through the LONG line. Then we treated ourselves cuz Ang was with G&G and went to Thai Taste - YUM! I ran in to James there and chit-chatted a tid bit....

We then headed out to G&G's to pickup the kiddo and ended up staying a bit to visit. A meltdown ensued and we all left WITHOUT our Christmas spirit! I was supposed to go out with a friend shopping but had to cancel due to the current MOOD I was in.....Life sucks sometimes you know! Saturday evening turned around and ended on a positive note so that was great! I ended up crocheting some more on my blanket that I have been working on forever but it is almost done - I believe I have 8 more rows to go!

Sunday we went to lunch with some friends and ended up running in to James and her fam again - her kids are sooooo cute and I just had to ask "WHERE" they got their blonde hair - just to wind her up a bit!

I hooked up with a girlfriend and Joe hooked up with his friend and we went our separate ways to finish Christmas shopping for one another. WHEW - he is sooo hard to buy for! I am not exaggerating....he truly is!

Things I learned this weekend;
I am getting old - my body hurts after I shop for toooo long!

I ended last night by doing a bit of cleaning and throwing things out (AMAZING...yes, I know) but I have to say "good job Brenda" for accomplishing a few things. I then wrapped all of Joe's gifts but one which I will do tonight. I wanted Angelo to really help me on this last one.....because he is all excited about this gift and "disguising" it somehow so Joe can't figure out what it is!

We still have to get the tree up (ya, I know I am bad) but it is going to happen probably tomorrow night.

I work 2 more days and then I have 11 days off! Yippee! I can drink Rum & Coke or Tom & Jerry's or screwdrivers and not be accountable to the old workplace!


MrsD said...

Are you too busy to read my emails? Tell me if you didn't get the one from today. I don't think any one is getting my emails. No one is responding to them--usually you and my dad will for sure. lol.

I still have to post Miss K's pic with Santa from the weekend.

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

You forgot to metion that you ran into you favorite person in!

Grey Rooster said...

Hey when are we having this party, I like rum and coke, and who is tom and jerry, they like to party too....