Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2 days of normalcy - sort of....

Well the kid has been back to school now for nearly two days now. I am happy that he is feeling well enough to go back and I am happy that I now have my home/office back to "normal" - where I feel like I can accomplish what I am supposed to in a day! There are drawbacks to working at home that is for sure! I almost went into anxiety/panic mode on Monday during the day when he was demanding time from me, I had already had to take time off to pick him up from school and then I wasn't feeling I was getting done the amount of work I needed to! WOW - it was not fun!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I thought I was safe - I mean this doctor usually doesn't give me the big drawn out speech about "HOW I NEED to lose WeIgHt" but as luck would have it...he did yesterday! I wonder sometimes if people don't think that I don't recognize that I am overweight (do I look stupid along with being obese?) people think I went to bed last night thin and woke up this morning fat, that somehow during the night I was overcome with fat cells by the "FAT FAIRY" or what? I mean seriously? I want to say "SHUT YOUR MOUTH and listen" because he didn't appear to be particularly interested in the fact that I was telling him that I had joined a weight loss program and Fit Express and had been exercising 4-5 times a week and learning to eat right.....nope, he didn't hear me, because he went on to say that he only eats one meal a day because if he ate more than that he would gain weight or have to ride his bike a ton more miles. Well, Sorry but the one meal a day thing isn't going to work for me! He lost me in the conversation and guess what? I lost him too! I wanted to put my hand up and say "you're talking to the hand"! At least when I left his office I didn't go home or go out and splurge! I really am trying and it depresses me when people don't listen or won't listen! Oh, he even gave me a prescription for 2 weeks of an appetite suppressant - like that ISN'T MY PROBLEM - hellooooo, I don't eat because I am HUNGRY - I eat because I like the taste of food - give me a pill that makes ALL food taste like CRAP and maybe it would be of some help!

You know I have been thinking this eating "right" thing through for a few years now...because I have failed at other things! I wasn't ready until when I finally started, I knew I wasn't ready, my heart/mind were not ready for the dedication I knew it was going to take!

I have considered gastric bypass and the gastric banding but for whatever reason in my brain it just doesn't make sense that if I go have either procedure that my brain is going to change its awful habits.

I believe that I need to mentally work on this and physically make a change using my GUTS and PERSONAL STRENGTH! It is harder than hell to do this but I know mentally I need to think about things and try to change my thinking and actions by suffering through this day by day! Maybe somehow through this I will gain some self-esteem and self-worth for me! It would be a quick fix to go have surgery - I mean "YES" I would love to go have surgery and in a year or 18 months be MICRO thin but how long will it last? It doesn't make sense - they cut me or band me so I can't eat as much at one time but I can still inhale high caloric foods throughout the day - maybe not all at once but it can be done! If it worked for others - great - I am happy for you and if you want to have it done GREAT - I wish you the best but I know I don't want to do this just yet! Going under anesthesia isn't a favorite thing of mine to do either!

I want to be healthier mentally and physically and I am trying to gain this!

So if you can't be supporting of this endeavor and want to listen to my accomplishments/trials with this trek then "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" because I have probably already tuned you out but you probably won't know it because I will put on my "LOOK INTERESTED" face and be daydreaming about something else!

I had to BLOW some steam people! I feel better already!


MrsD said...

You should have told that Dr. to Shut his mouth. Really! He eat's one meal a day? He's not the only one with food issue's I think. What an ass. app suppresant pills? really. When will Dr's get it?!?! I was on those at the urging of my dr years ago. I still ate. I never could tell when I was hungry until my body started shaking and I would almost pass out. I eat because i'm angry, bored, frustrated, happy, sad, elated, proud, for all feelings really. Dumb ass Dr.'s!

Kristi O said...

you go sista, tell 'em all!!!

1funmommy said...

Yeah what an idiot! Some Dr's are so dense. I'm so proud of you and the fact that you're doing this without surgery. You are so AWESOME and I LOvE You!

The Hussy Housewife said...

Cheap therapy, huh? It hard living in this world with a bunch of self-absorbed, know-it-alls? Don'tlet anyone get you down, you do it for yourself and your family. Everyoneelse can piss off, Ma'am