Friday, May 23, 2008

The beginning of the weekened....

What are your plans, what are your plans?

We are heading up to Lake Roosevelt for the day tomorrow to see Blue Heeler! I have never been there before - they have a fireworks show over the dam at 10:00 p.m. but we won't be there I don't think at 10:00 p.m. Hopefully we are home or nearly home by then! Apparently it is a casino she is playing outside of but the casino lady I called today had no clue what I was talking about.....

Hopefully I can take some time this weekend to organize my life a bit maybe that will lift my spirits! It has been a tough day today.....but tomorrow will be better right, at least that is what is always said!

So the BIG NAIA games start here in L-town either tonight or tomorrow! That is a huge thing for the valley but I try to hide from it! To much testosterone flowing and to many people - makes me cranky! Is it better to be cranky or sad??? That is an idea maybe I could go hang out with a few thousand of my not so close friends and take care of my sadness and get my cranky pants on! Solves the sadness!

I gotta cheer up for the family for the weekend....make it enjoyable! I will let you know how that goes!

P.S. I am babysitting my mom's bird for the next 9 days - some of you know what happened the last time I babysat her bird....GULP....this is actually supposed to be My Bird but I dropped it off at her house a year ago when I went on vacation and just failed to retrieve it again! She does a better job with him - he is a spoiled rotten little biter! Anyhow, I will keep you posted on the adventure of the next 9 days.

1 comment:

MrsD said...

Miss K and I want to bring you some lunch next week! We can sit out on your deck and eat lunch.

I remember back when I was waaayyyy younger and worked in a motel in downtown L-town as a maid. During the NAIA was hell! But I was in the same age range as the players and damn they were cute!