Monday, October 20, 2008

I did not do that......

Okay - so the weekend blows by again - where did time go?

So, don't believe anything you may read about me teasing Miss K at her 1st birthday party! I did not take her ELMO baby and hold it while she was opening her other presents to tease her. I did not press his belly and make him laugh.....while Miss K stared me down with a look of "HEY, that is MYYYYY toy - put it down lady"! It wasn't me....I didn't do it! She didn't stop EVERYTHING she was doing until I put the toy down....I was not teasing her - it just isn't true! I would NEVER do ANYTHING like that to that little PRINCESS!!!

I am INNOCENT...yes, innocent! - I didn't do that.....I just don't do things like that!

It was a great party for a wonderful little lady! Happy Birthday again Miss Khloe!

1 comment:

MrsD said...

"Look Biotch that's MY toy, put it down!" That was the look she gave you! lololol

And it wasn't just Elmo you did that with. Meanie! ;)