It has again been one of those days.....maybe it is mid week when everything builds up on my plate.....I feel like I need to vent tonight - so read on if you want and if you can't handle some bitchin' then wander on.....
As most of you know we have had Angelo in Catholic School since he started school. We are very seriously considering pulling him out this next year! We have been so frustrated with his schooling, the phone calls, the treatment. I hurt for my child to be torn away from his friends and put in public school but yet I am so tired of some of the things that have gone on the past four years! Four years of garbage that I have recently been mulling over in my brain....
Perhaps it was kindergarten when our child was ahead in class and he was placed with a child who was having trouble listening, sitting still, concentrating.....was it then that you started putting his fire out? I know most people think their children are "smart" and you should. I just want to say when he started kindergarten he could read and was above 1st grade in his reading level...ya...that was then, he could also do simple times kindergarten! Grandma and grandpa had worked with him to add money and taught him these things. I am not angry about him being placed with the child who was having a hard time...what I am angry about is not feeding his mind and being the start of putting his fire out...or what I like to say is "dumbing him up" - ya, making him an "average" student instead of challenging him....
Maybe it was 1st grade when you were frustrated with him because he was so literal, you expressed it to us in teacher example would be is if you said something was glass and it was actually plastic - he would say "actually that is plastic?", is there something wrong with that? He was really an innocent child at the time - not trying to be a smart mouth.... Was it when you put him in the hall multiple times throughout the year because you didn't want to deal with him....where he missed out on making his Thanksgiving project and the day you watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and you had put him in the cafeteria and forgot about him and another employee at the school found him sleeping at the table....alone to boot? Did you dim his fire then? When I asked where his Thanksgiving project was and he said "I didn't get to make one because I was in the hall"! Uh ya, 1st grade, special project and he is in the hall - Saweeeet of you! Thanks! Ya...I am pissed!!! You betcha!!!! I hurt for my son....I wasn't treated this way in school nor were any of the other 30+ students I went to school with....
Still no challenge for him - could all these so called problems be related to no stimulation of his mind that wants so badly to learn and explore - did you dim his fire more?
I know that I shouldn't be so angry and I should forgive and forget but that is the hard part....forgetting/forgiving, this is my son, my only every parent you want the best for him, you expect the best for him.....
His 3rd grade year has actually been the best....his teachers understood him, they worked with him and challenged him and tried to re-ignite his fire. Both were awesome teachers! One of his teachers actually had worked with him in kindergarten and knew how advanced he was and expressed that to us - thanks for that confirmation! I actually shed tears this year when the year was over because "WOW" they worked with him and they worked with us and they understood and most of all "they listened to him and reached to try to gain him back" - now that is what a "Christian" school should do in my mind and heart!
And yes there is the cruelty of other kids....I know kids can say cruel and hurtful things but I guess I expect more from, yes, again, a so called "CATHOLIC" school. Maybe for teachers and employees to perhaps listen to what is going on between kids....and not tolerate unkind behavior. I am still mulling over the last day of school and the two boys telling him he couldn't play the game with him because he didn't have a family...because he was adopted! What do you do as a parent, the last day of you call and say something and what is the teacher/principal going to do --- NADA, it is the "LAST" day of school!
So, I just kind of threw up all over my blog with the above - but I am just so unsure of what to do with him for next I go in to the partially unknown at Catholic school with a new 4th grade teacher and knowing what has happened for the past 4 years there! It is so hard as a parent to know what is the answer, you want the best for your child - will we damage him by changing schools in the 4th grade and putting him in public school and having him go through culture shock at that age? Will we have more problems at public school? He would be challenged I know in public school because they have programs for kids that are behind or ahead.....I don't know....Catholic school has no programs for kids that are advanced in areas or are falling behind - it is made for the "average" child.....I know parents who left the school because their child was having problem in a specific area and the teacher just left them behind in the dust and went on with the rest of the kids.....huh?, yep it really happened!
Oh and besides the fact that we are paying for this treatment too...uh ya! Cold hard cash flowing out the pocketbook.....
If the school has did anything it has caused me to grow inside and become momma bear and she is starting to come out of her den more often lately! I had a mom that stood back and for the most part years ago life was good - parents didn't HAVE to step in but not now - you got step in, dust of your cleats and warm up because you WILL be going to bat for your child!
Any advice for decision making would be greatly appreciated! It really does burden my heart and makes me sad that he will change schools - there are some very positive things about the school......