Thursday, July 24, 2008

So SEW...puking has stopped....

For those who care....the dog's on the mend, she is still a little down and depressed but she is using her leg a little now. No puking and I almost have everything caught up wash-wise that had been used to clean up or been puked on....seems there was a lot more puking going on than I was aware of! Not so much of a good day in my life! I honestly did feel like running, don't know where, don't know for how long but I needed an escape and I was stuck....that is the worst part knowing you are HERE and have to be responsible!

So in looking to the not so distant future, on Saturday the ladies from the sorority I am involved in are heading to a cabin for a few hours to work on a service project. We are making hats from fleece for the cancer center here locally. When patients lose their hair from chemo their heads tend to get cold so there is a need for hats and we are fulfilling it. Here is the part where the sewing comes in, I have had a brand new stinking sewing machine still in the box for 1.5 years...I have no room to set it up and use it so it has stayed safe in the box until this morning. I broke Rosie (that is her name - How is that for a name "Ice Woman"?) out of her confinement in the box, styrafoam and plastic packing and got her out so she could breath. She is a lightweight which is good to carry but scares me about how she is going to stand up to my craftiness. She has a bunch of additional add ons (walking feet, quilting feet, screwdrivers, needles...she is HOT!)- I hope she isn't to hard to talk in to working for me! With any luck I will have a few minutes and a few inches of space to put her out tonight on the table and sew something up and see how she works, that way she will be all ready for Saturday when she takes her first road trip to the cabin! I can see in the future that she could embellish my scrapbooking pages too, as well as sew that shirt I have been wanting to make and just bought the material for....oh baby, she is going to do so much for me if I just can make the time for her to be a part of my life!

Okay enough for now - gotta get some stuff done so I have time to take Rosie for a test drive!


1funmommy said...

Woot! Can't wait to meet Rosie!

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

If you have any problems, I can whip Rosie into shape.

Grey Rooster said...

rockin on the river for me.... candlebox live outdoors.... wow i guess think about ya all sewing and stuff...rock on..