I did catch Big Brother last night - I missed the first show but I am really not into it...seems they are all the same stuff - different people same stuff. Joe's workplace always has a bet going on, they draw for characters and each chip in $10 and whoever has the last man standing wins the pot - well, it ain't looking so hot for Joe....he drew Brian and he was put up for nomination.....
The dogs have been pretty quiet - other than Daisy has a new fascination with one of Ang's old toys - a little tiny Tigger that he got in his Happy Meal at McDonalds sometime in the last 9 years.....she carries it around like it is her baby. Twinkie and her get in some huge wrestling matches lately over this little stuffed animal...it is pretty comical to watch. Daisy will get so frustrated there are times when she just stands and stares at Twink and barks, nonstop until I scold her. Last night Daisy even took a nose dive off the sofa to get her baby, I couldn't figure out what the heck she was doing and she jumps back up with us with her baby Tigger in tow. Then she just plopped down and rested her head on it. This morning I woke up with tigger on the bed with me - it is pretty cute, at least I think so. And...yes, for all you people who gross out over the thought of dogs in bed with you....my dogs do sleep in my bed - I like to call them my personal heaters...Twinkie gets under the covers and sleeps next to my legs and Daisy-Dog sleeps at my feet usually on top of the covers.
Pretty boring household this week so far but I am okay with it! I don't want more drama right now, "Mama can't take no more drama" is my feeling!
1 comment:
I hear ya on the eating out. It is much better for you and you can save lots of money. Its amazing how fast $20 here and $20 there can add up. We will NOT be eating out for the next 2 weeks. We simply CANNOT afford it. AND I am going to try to stay out of the grocery store. I know we have enough food in the freezer and pantry to last us a few months!
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