Friday, January 18, 2008

Here that Friday 5:00 whistle BLOOOWWWW....

Hey stick your head outside and listen it is Friday at 5:00 and the work week is OVER and the whistle is a blowin! I never thought I was going to make it this week - just one of those LOOONNNGGG weeks combined with the lack of sleep last weekend!

I had to get up very early this a.m. to get myself ready to go to church at 9:00. My son was alter server for the first time! I was really nervous wondering what if, what if, what if - but he did wonderful - I mean for his age he did great! It was nice to make it to church again - I hate to admit, but it has been awhile since I have been there. There are lots of excuses but mostly because my husband has been working some long hours at the old jobfront and he spends his weekends resting and of course, I am not disciplined enough myself to get up and goooo to church myself with the boy.

I have only a few SET plans for the weekend and whatever else I do is last minute! I really want to attempt to go to Smart Girls Crop at CPS but I think after last weekend I better lie low, maybe though, you just never know! We will see how tired the dude is and how much he wants to sleep on the sofa and how much he cares I am home with him.

I think on Sunday we will be going to Shrek 3 - we bought the special pack through the school along with a bazillion other people right? Holy cow I hate crowds - it tends to make me cranky and nasty! I know, I know I shouldn't sweat the small stuff but people can get so naughty when they think they need to be 1st in line or whatever! I don't do well in those situations!