Thursday, September 11, 2008

Prayers needed.....

One of my sorority sisters aunt has been in the process of adopting a little boy from Russia for three years. She is actually in Russia at this time starting her 10-day waiting period and received devastating news. You can read her note below at my sister's site. She is asking for prayers THURSDAY (TONIGHT) at 7:00 p.m.

As an adoptive mother myself I know the emotional rollercoaster one is on when you are waiting on the legal system. It is a very emotional time. I just ask for your support with prayers tonight for her! She has been carrying this little guy in her heart for 3 years and now to be in the last nine days of waiting and have this happen is devastating!

THANK YOU ALL and Blessings to everyone!


1funmommy said...

Good blog! I copied the first part. Hope you don't mind :)

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Thanks guys!!!

MrsD said...

I'm scared to go read it!