Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on my right knee....

I just got back from the doctor and she "thinks" I maybe have a small tear in a ligament or tweeked some cartilage - her exam didn't show a complete tear of anything in my knee.

My options were:
$2,000.00 MRI


conservative treatment with longacting anti-inflammatory and possibly PT in a couple of weeks (hopefully no PT), treat my knee pain by babying it along - if it hurts then I need to stop what I am doing and put heat and elevate it!


Apparently it can take 6 weeks to heal these up!

The good things about this day so far are;
~I am alive....
~The man in brown (UPS) came and delivered my felting kit....YES!!!! and he didn't let LUCY the freak of nature dog out this time! GAWD sometimes they are so rediculously incompetent....last week he let her out as he left the gate open while he ran up to the deck - DUHHH! THANKFULLY, the neighbors caught her and put her in! I think I will refer to the man as TURDMAN - because he is dressed in brown!

Okay - so back to the keyboard because we are SWAMPED this week - feast or famine in my job and this week we are FEASTING!


MrsD said...

I freakin hate it when these damn dr's tell you to use heat! They went to med school they should freakin know better!

MrsD said...

If it hurts...it's inflammed adding heat to it inflames it more and does not help you in the end.

1funmommy said...

I hope it feels better soon! Any word on our srappin day?