Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ouch my knee and other random stuff......

seems I have really messed my knee up from the weekend.....
I can hardly walk on it this a.m. - it is so sore and I am not sure what to do about it! I do NOT want to take a trip to the see I will get a huge lecture on issues I don't want to hear about - bet most of you can guess what!
It hurts to sit, stand, lay, anything.....
I did really nothing except walk on it but holy heck it is sore today - worse today than ever! I thought I was doing better last night!

I am "HOPING" to have a low census day on Friday from work - I really need some time just to be vegetating I think....actually I need to work on the home front but I am not quite sure how that is going to come down when I am incapacitated with my knee at the moment!

GRRRRR - if it is NOT one thing it is ANOTHER!

Oh and still no check to be found - I am now 2/3 nuts over looking for them! I am done - new ones are on the way....I had to pay an extra 5.00 for speedy deliver but it is for peace of mind I did it! Now I expect the lost ones to show up any day!

I was going to blog the fact that on Monday after soccer practice Ang had a slight meltdown about wanting to go back to his old school. He broke down and cried about missing his friends. He said he only had 2 friends at his new school and other kids were teasing him about cheating on his math because he gets 100% and another kid acused him of cheating at chess because he won him. I tried to explain to him that the kids were jealous and that he is a smart kid and has been playing chess since 1st grade. He cried some more! Angelo then told me he purposely got some math problems wrong so the kids knew that he wasn't cheating and wouldn't tease him and I told him not to do that because again, they were jealous of him and he should do his best because he is smart and he knows this stuff! He finally got through the rough spot in the road by the next day and has come home the last couple nights from school happy again - last night he was complaining because he got the longest spelling words in the class - everyone else was getting short ones and he got these huge long words....I tried to compliment him and build him up about how smart he was and that he should be proud of that and he was doing an awesome job! I love him so much and I hate to see him in distress - it is amazing what you go through as a parents at different ages in their lives!

Oh and YAAA - I ordered a felting kit through the i-net and can hardly stand myself waiting for it! I have wanted to learn how to needle felt for awhile and now I get too! YIPPEEE! I need more crafting time and less time being a responsible adult I think....sounds good anyway!


MrsD said...

Rest Ice Compression Elevate

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

We need to go have a date night soon. Drinks at Applebees?