WHEW - what a day!
I got up early this a.m. and planted some flowers I had sitting outside - I knew if I didn't get them sunk in the ground they were going to DIE in the heat. They got planted and don't look half bad this evening...I still have a few more to plant...sooon! This weather here is HORRID - I ABSOLUTELY HATE when it is this HOT OUT! I don't like gray skies but I hate when it is 100+ degrees out too! I welcomed the thunder and lightening that came through tonight - wished it could stay and put on another show for us!
I got one of my two things accomplished I wanted to do this weekend and that was the major one - cleaning of the deck - it is still not 100% cleared off but WAYYYY better than it was....WOW!
I really enjoyed my weekend - I felt good with my early morning success on Saturday by cleaning the deck off and then I headed out to the produce stand to get some fruit and that is where I saw the flowers I bought to plant - just some moss roses and some other thing that reminded me of dianthus. It was at least 900 degrees out by then so I headed back home and showered and got ready to head out to get some more stuff done....we looked at some BBQ's - we want a new one but really not sure what to get??? Decisions, decisions....
Oh and YAAA Friday night we decided to pretend we were HIGH ROLLERS and go to a full price show at the theater and take Mr. A - he wanted to see Wall.E and I have to say it was pretty cute and enjoyable. The kid enjoyed it and we enjoyed it and I even broke and had J buy me a large ICEE - $4.00 - that is like RAPE I think - HIGHWAY ROBBERY or something! HOLY Guacamole!
Sunday I got up and tried to download my vacation pictures to my computer and I spent 4 hours in that little task.....uh ya - my computer is telling me it doesn't recognize my USB or there is an error or some STUPID thing - so I ended up downloading to the laptop and it took a long time to download 300 pictures....then I was hoping to get them printed in a hurry but by the time I downloaded and sent them on their way it was afternoon before I could pick them up at the store.
Then it was off to CPS to hang out working on a project....it entailed painting and I just am really not liking painting that much - I end up with it all over me hands and mixing the colors and brushes and whatever else could happen I end up doing! Is that a sign of an artist or a genius or something - the being messy part??? Please tell me it is! I got to visit with Kristi all afternoon and it was good just to relax, create and not have to much else on my mind! Mrs. Icehole showed up with her daughter and I ended up spending 45 minutes laughing, just laughing at Icehole's stories! I can't wait to spend some more time with her to laugh some more - WHEN can we get together???? I need an endorphin release with laughter! YEESH what a life!
Tonight I ended up Modge Podging my project and nearly freaked because my paper bubbled up and I thought "CRAP" that was a mistake....GULP! I am not a MODGY expert - I have only used it once before I believe....forgot what it does to stuff! So, after much despair, I came back 20 minutes later and it was looking WAYYY better! I am hoping the stuff comes out of clothes because I had drips all over my night shirt - again messy - I feel like the 1st grader in class with glue and glitter all over them! The accident looking to happen, ya the Linus in the group!
Oh ya and during all that I had moonlighted on a job last Thursday, Friday and tonight - so I spent 2-3 hours each night type, type, typing.....I just can't get enough of it!
Well....off to get some SI and then to bed!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
FINALLY Friday!!!!
Hard to believe last week at this time I was on my way to Boise from Salt Lake....I had to wave goodbye to those beautiful Wasatch Mountains and their snow caps, farewell to the city, and leave the family. I have to say I really like it there, well aside from the HEAT we left and no air conditioning. Salt Lake is really a great feeling town. Lots to do but yet still seems like there are family values. I don't know....I really think I could live there some day! Ang hated leaving Grandpa too and the kids galore, trampoline, chess partners, swimming pool....who wouldn't want to stay there.
I am hoping that starting tonight I will still have energy to get a project of some sort started....download my pictures to my computer and get them saved and either scrapbook something or make some cards. I bought some embossing templates while I was down there and I am anxious to do something with them. I even managed to find a Christmas stocking one and I am hoping to be creative and do something for the ornament exchange I am in with 12 other ladies to shock their socks off - ya right! The them of this year's exchange is....yep, you guess it Christmas stockings!
I feel better about this week now that I am at the end of it....and people have questioned my attitude being hostile (heehee - just a little - but mostly a vent here at the old BLOG). I get tired of the tricks played when you get back in the swing of things by some - most of you can figure out what that has to do with. Anyhow, I got some things accomplished this week that made me feel good inside. I cooked dinner 4 out of 5 nights - that is a great accomplishment for me these past few months, I weeded out some flower beds and kept up on the watering of my lawn that my mom had been doing while I was away on vacation - my yard is still green - that makes me feel good! I even got lunches made this week for both J & A. Angelo had Kids College Monday through Thursday and I got him picked up each day. He seemed to enjoy the Rock class most of all - I have to admit I loved rocks, have a rock tumbler and still love rocks. I love to go look for rocks on the beaches and hills but I never seem to do it often enough - I need to STOP and take the time to do it!
This weekend there are only a couple of things I want to accomplish for sure;
1) Clean off the deck.
2) Get a new garden hose for the back yard since the old one has holes all over it and has to be positioned right with the holes and I always end up getting sprayed right in the face.
Angelo wants to go see the new movie - Wall.E! So I am sure that will happen too!
Hopefully I will get some pictures posted this weekend of the 2-week excursion to Salt Lake City.
I am hoping that starting tonight I will still have energy to get a project of some sort started....download my pictures to my computer and get them saved and either scrapbook something or make some cards. I bought some embossing templates while I was down there and I am anxious to do something with them. I even managed to find a Christmas stocking one and I am hoping to be creative and do something for the ornament exchange I am in with 12 other ladies to shock their socks off - ya right! The them of this year's exchange is....yep, you guess it Christmas stockings!
I feel better about this week now that I am at the end of it....and people have questioned my attitude being hostile (heehee - just a little - but mostly a vent here at the old BLOG). I get tired of the tricks played when you get back in the swing of things by some - most of you can figure out what that has to do with. Anyhow, I got some things accomplished this week that made me feel good inside. I cooked dinner 4 out of 5 nights - that is a great accomplishment for me these past few months, I weeded out some flower beds and kept up on the watering of my lawn that my mom had been doing while I was away on vacation - my yard is still green - that makes me feel good! I even got lunches made this week for both J & A. Angelo had Kids College Monday through Thursday and I got him picked up each day. He seemed to enjoy the Rock class most of all - I have to admit I loved rocks, have a rock tumbler and still love rocks. I love to go look for rocks on the beaches and hills but I never seem to do it often enough - I need to STOP and take the time to do it!
This weekend there are only a couple of things I want to accomplish for sure;
1) Clean off the deck.
2) Get a new garden hose for the back yard since the old one has holes all over it and has to be positioned right with the holes and I always end up getting sprayed right in the face.
Angelo wants to go see the new movie - Wall.E! So I am sure that will happen too!
Hopefully I will get some pictures posted this weekend of the 2-week excursion to Salt Lake City.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Does the Pope were Prada....
Who the heck cares if the POPE wears PRADA, I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!
I mean these are news headlines for today...can't they find more interesting pond scum from their buckets of so called "NEWS"?
Do these reporters/news people realize that people who have the rank of "POPE" or "PRESIDENT" and other so called high level ranks receive gifts from people and high end companies so they can look good for us on TV and in the news.....hello use your brains out there.......but really they just want to get a rise out of the common people in the country that the POPE DOES WEAR PRADA, are they wanting us to think he is spending his riches on "fashion" and not living a simple life....I don't care who wears what! If a company sent me a free pair of red Prada loafers you can bet your top button that I am going to prance around in them and show them puppies off and if they are not comfortable maybe I would sell them on ebay.....
Leave the Pope alone and blow smoke out of your pipe....ya pipe that is a good word!
Find some truly good news that would do our countries heart good - people serving others and helping out one another, giving a hand to the weary or the people down in life! Don't you think that would create positivity?
I am personally tired of hearing about Brittany Spears and whose foot she ran over this week.....leave her alone for the love of MIKE - let her live in peace for a week or two! If we all had pooparazzi's following each of us around 24-hours a day WOW that would be enlightening for all of us to know what mistakes we made, parking over the yellow line at Wally World, shopping at Albertson's at midnight for Diet Pepsi and frozen pizza, going to a yard sale at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning and parking on the wrong side of the road....HOLY COW BATMAN - FIND some good news to report!
Bitchin' again!
I mean these are news headlines for today...can't they find more interesting pond scum from their buckets of so called "NEWS"?
Do these reporters/news people realize that people who have the rank of "POPE" or "PRESIDENT" and other so called high level ranks receive gifts from people and high end companies so they can look good for us on TV and in the news.....hello use your brains out there.......but really they just want to get a rise out of the common people in the country that the POPE DOES WEAR PRADA, are they wanting us to think he is spending his riches on "fashion" and not living a simple life....I don't care who wears what! If a company sent me a free pair of red Prada loafers you can bet your top button that I am going to prance around in them and show them puppies off and if they are not comfortable maybe I would sell them on ebay.....
Leave the Pope alone and blow smoke out of your pipe....ya pipe that is a good word!
Find some truly good news that would do our countries heart good - people serving others and helping out one another, giving a hand to the weary or the people down in life! Don't you think that would create positivity?
I am personally tired of hearing about Brittany Spears and whose foot she ran over this week.....leave her alone for the love of MIKE - let her live in peace for a week or two! If we all had pooparazzi's following each of us around 24-hours a day WOW that would be enlightening for all of us to know what mistakes we made, parking over the yellow line at Wally World, shopping at Albertson's at midnight for Diet Pepsi and frozen pizza, going to a yard sale at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning and parking on the wrong side of the road....HOLY COW BATMAN - FIND some good news to report!
Bitchin' again!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
PAINS in the ask....
Does anyone out there ever get tired of people just plain being a pain in the butt???
Do you have people, for whatever reason, don't like you and continually make your life hell???
I like to think I am a pretty likeable kind of person but I feel like a trapped animal who gets harrassed all the time and it is making me a bitter person.....eventually I will lash out and then somehow the table will turn and it will be my fault for sure when I do.....
If you have any suggestions what to do with these kinds of buttheads - please feel free to drop me a suggestion ~ at this point I am wide open on how to put problems back in these particular peoples laps, you know - to drop off like a giant turd that they will have to take responsibility for!
HELP ME flush the toilet on these people!
Do you have people, for whatever reason, don't like you and continually make your life hell???
I like to think I am a pretty likeable kind of person but I feel like a trapped animal who gets harrassed all the time and it is making me a bitter person.....eventually I will lash out and then somehow the table will turn and it will be my fault for sure when I do.....
If you have any suggestions what to do with these kinds of buttheads - please feel free to drop me a suggestion ~ at this point I am wide open on how to put problems back in these particular peoples laps, you know - to drop off like a giant turd that they will have to take responsibility for!
HELP ME flush the toilet on these people!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Some Monday's just plain suck......
Okay so I know today is Tuesday and it is probably better that it is Tuesday and I am posting Monday news on Tuesday...........
Yesterday J had an early morning meeting and so I was left with getting Ang to Kids College at LCSC. We signed him up for two classes for four days this week. Uhhh YA! So J assures me that he was informed there would be signs directing me where to take Ang yesterday a.m. I remind you that it is my first day back at work from a 2 week vacation - okay so....
I arrive at LCSC at 8:00 a.m. and start my search - first to the gym complex where there are 2 gentleman who have no clue about Kids College - okay....this is a college right - brains maybe? Maybe they could find out for me but noooooooooooo....
So out the door and off towards who knows where...administrative offices or the SUB???? I am thinking Administration? monday morning...yaaa you got it - they are catching up on the news and gossip from the weekend..so.......okay, the Sub (that sounds good)....so I run in to a dude or dudette (not sure which) but I ask it about Kids College - no clue - hmmm, ya that makes sense....okay....
I am still heading towards the Sub and I see a security officer....ya, right....I ask this gentleman and he tells me the Sub....whew I am headed in the right direction. I get in the upstairs portion and ask the switchboard person and she says they are meeting downstairs in the south corner....okay, downstairs, south corner, two ladies who inform me that the class he needs to be in is upstairs, out the east entrance of the sub and back to the nursing/science building....okie dokie -I passed by that earlier!
Back upstairs, past the switchboard person, so uh ya...you can guess I am a little frustrated with the morning already and trying not to stress over the fact that I need to be back at my house in 15 minutes for work because it is now 8:15....
So my mind and mouth got the better of me and I stopped at the switchboard and told her I had a suggestion that perhaps NEXT TIME they could have signage posted directing people for KIDS COLLEGE....she tells me it is "EARLY" - ya WHATEVER! So, I said well you know I have to be to work in 15 minutes now but I guess if I lose my job I can always get state assistance....as I head out the front door! GAWD - am I asking to much for a little organization and direction in this world? I mean seriously? Could they not make things a TAD bit easier???? Perhaps a sign or two - don't they have PRINT SHOP on campus....signs? You know the things people poke in their yards advertising sales and who to vote for?
In the meantime Ang has not stopped talking since we have been on our morning jaunt through the LCSC campus looking for Kids College like it was some kind of EASTER EGG HUNT....
In the meantime, I am thinking to myself - don't get stressed - don't worry as I am driving home.....it isn't worth all the energy I use getting worked up over this stupid little things. I get home and get my computer up and partially running and it won't connect like it is supposed toooooo - ya, thanks for setting my computer back up correctly - as I turned it in for IT to go over and clean up when I was on vacation.....GRRRRR.....A Smirnoff's is sounding pretty good about now!
So there you have it - I am back to my bitchy self....and you know what I am beginning to like it a lot! yahahaha....
Yesterday J had an early morning meeting and so I was left with getting Ang to Kids College at LCSC. We signed him up for two classes for four days this week. Uhhh YA! So J assures me that he was informed there would be signs directing me where to take Ang yesterday a.m. I remind you that it is my first day back at work from a 2 week vacation - okay so....
I arrive at LCSC at 8:00 a.m. and start my search - first to the gym complex where there are 2 gentleman who have no clue about Kids College - okay....this is a college right - brains maybe? Maybe they could find out for me but noooooooooooo....
So out the door and off towards who knows where...administrative offices or the SUB???? I am thinking Administration? monday morning...yaaa you got it - they are catching up on the news and gossip from the weekend..so.......okay, the Sub (that sounds good)....so I run in to a dude or dudette (not sure which) but I ask it about Kids College - no clue - hmmm, ya that makes sense....okay....
I am still heading towards the Sub and I see a security officer....ya, right....I ask this gentleman and he tells me the Sub....whew I am headed in the right direction. I get in the upstairs portion and ask the switchboard person and she says they are meeting downstairs in the south corner....okay, downstairs, south corner, two ladies who inform me that the class he needs to be in is upstairs, out the east entrance of the sub and back to the nursing/science building....okie dokie -I passed by that earlier!
Back upstairs, past the switchboard person, so uh ya...you can guess I am a little frustrated with the morning already and trying not to stress over the fact that I need to be back at my house in 15 minutes for work because it is now 8:15....
So my mind and mouth got the better of me and I stopped at the switchboard and told her I had a suggestion that perhaps NEXT TIME they could have signage posted directing people for KIDS COLLEGE....she tells me it is "EARLY" - ya WHATEVER! So, I said well you know I have to be to work in 15 minutes now but I guess if I lose my job I can always get state assistance....as I head out the front door! GAWD - am I asking to much for a little organization and direction in this world? I mean seriously? Could they not make things a TAD bit easier???? Perhaps a sign or two - don't they have PRINT SHOP on campus....signs? You know the things people poke in their yards advertising sales and who to vote for?
In the meantime Ang has not stopped talking since we have been on our morning jaunt through the LCSC campus looking for Kids College like it was some kind of EASTER EGG HUNT....
In the meantime, I am thinking to myself - don't get stressed - don't worry as I am driving home.....it isn't worth all the energy I use getting worked up over this stupid little things. I get home and get my computer up and partially running and it won't connect like it is supposed toooooo - ya, thanks for setting my computer back up correctly - as I turned it in for IT to go over and clean up when I was on vacation.....GRRRRR.....A Smirnoff's is sounding pretty good about now!
So there you have it - I am back to my bitchy self....and you know what I am beginning to like it a lot! yahahaha....
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I hate to say it but.........
I am back to "reality" - it has hit...I am home and I will need all your help to keep my spirits uplifted - that is your new job okay? Ya RIGHT! Funny how driving home from Boise yesterday it all starts to settle back on your mind - oh ya, my job, my house, my life - EEEEEKKK! Things gotta change somehow for my life!
More later on this subject!
I need to touch base with friends! I can't wait!
I need to download my pics from my vacation I took way more than I have ever done before on my vacations - how exciting was that for ME to do? I am proud of myself.
Well it is off to pick up the doglets from there little retreat at Sherry's - I am certain they will be exhausted and excited beyond belief!
More later on this subject!
I need to touch base with friends! I can't wait!
I need to download my pics from my vacation I took way more than I have ever done before on my vacations - how exciting was that for ME to do? I am proud of myself.
Well it is off to pick up the doglets from there little retreat at Sherry's - I am certain they will be exhausted and excited beyond belief!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
So early this a.m. Joe is reading the Salt Lake Trib and asks if I have heard of Lasting Impressions.....Why certainly I have, they have some nice papers and embossing stuff. He informs me that they are having a warehouse sale today! Okay so we find the shop at about 1:00-ish and we spend at least 2.5 hours in the store, picking up paper and embossing plates and visiting with the employees. WOW that is all I can say - I should have grabbed my camera and taken it in to click some shots of the BONANZA! What an awesome bunch of workers there - the one girl I visited with has "the coolest" job - her job is to make scrapbook pages and cards from the templates....8 hours a day she gets paid to do this...and works next to the person who designs the templates. WOW! They demo'd some stuff that was fun and kept us busy visiting with them. I met a absolutely wonderful lady from California who happened to be there for the sale adn she was cluing me in on WHAT I had to buy - she made me smile lots - she was fun! She had a 3 page inventory of all the items she owned from them....how organized is that? I ended up with a ton of brads, a box of paper, some software, embossing templates....who knows what else but WOW! I want a job there!
After that exciting event we had custard ice cream from a nearby ice cream place and it was okay but overall my vote for ice cream on this two week expedition has been Maggie Moos in Boise - the "better than batter" ice cream and Leatherby's here - there carmel sauce is to die for!
Best meal....hmmm....probably the Prime Rib at Diamond Lil's and the homemade soup at J's aunts house last night - she makes a killer soup with ox tail! Why may I ask is ox tail so dang expensive anyhow?
Cheapest gas I saw today was in Woods Cross at 3.89 - what a bargain huh?
After our excursion to the warehouse sale - we let Angelo swim here at the condo for a couple of hours - there were a very nice group of adults and children there! He has been wanting to go swimming the whole time and finally had guilted me enough and I couldn't pass the job on to Aunt M to take him so J and I sat poolside and watched him swim - at least there was shade and a small breeze!
I looked for the ducks tonight after we came back and the pool had closed but the courting quackers were not romancing in the pool tonight!
I believe tomorrow we will be jamming every square inch of the CRV with our bargains and high tailing it to Boise and then onward to L-town on Saturday! Although I am excited to be home and pickup the dogs from there 2 week retreat at the boarding house - I can tell you I am already feeling down about starting back at the job!
So there you have it - what a day!
After that exciting event we had custard ice cream from a nearby ice cream place and it was okay but overall my vote for ice cream on this two week expedition has been Maggie Moos in Boise - the "better than batter" ice cream and Leatherby's here - there carmel sauce is to die for!
Best meal....hmmm....probably the Prime Rib at Diamond Lil's and the homemade soup at J's aunts house last night - she makes a killer soup with ox tail! Why may I ask is ox tail so dang expensive anyhow?
Cheapest gas I saw today was in Woods Cross at 3.89 - what a bargain huh?
After our excursion to the warehouse sale - we let Angelo swim here at the condo for a couple of hours - there were a very nice group of adults and children there! He has been wanting to go swimming the whole time and finally had guilted me enough and I couldn't pass the job on to Aunt M to take him so J and I sat poolside and watched him swim - at least there was shade and a small breeze!
I looked for the ducks tonight after we came back and the pool had closed but the courting quackers were not romancing in the pool tonight!
I believe tomorrow we will be jamming every square inch of the CRV with our bargains and high tailing it to Boise and then onward to L-town on Saturday! Although I am excited to be home and pickup the dogs from there 2 week retreat at the boarding house - I can tell you I am already feeling down about starting back at the job!
So there you have it - what a day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Snowbird and Nordstom's Rack....
Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) we ended up venturing all the way up to Snowbird ~ Father's Day was the last open day for skiing up there so I had to keep the skis at home (HA). There was still quite a bit of snow on the hill and it was so nice and cool up there - lots of water running off the mountains in streams and waterfalls. I took a ton of pictures of the mountains - I want to remember how beautiful they are. The last time I went up there it was fall and the trees were turning colors - there are so many leaf bearing trees up there compared to the moutains in our area where it is just pine trees. There were plenty of bicyclists hauling themselves up the mountain - HOLY COW - I was thinking about James on her new beach cruiser pumping up there with here fancy bell that she could ring-a-ling-a-ling at passing cars - heehee! Not really, these were HARD CORE mountain bikers. There were plenty of hikers around too - it is so beautiful up there and so many trails to take off on. The cool air I will have to say was the best as it is so HOT here in SLC and it is a more moist heat that I am used to - bluck - take a shower and then break out in a sweat from no air conditioning in the house.....I am surviving though.
After we got back to the city from Snowbird we wandered through Sugarhouse and ate at a place J used to eat at when he lived here - it was the Soup Kitchen - cute! I had to laugh because I was thinking about Seinfeld and the Soup Nazi! It was an affordable little place to get a sandwich and soup.
I have to post about Monday night we were coming back from Orem and we saw some gliders coming off the mountain - that was beautiful to see. I would have liked to park and just watch but since we were speeding down the freakway there was no way we could have stopped and watched.
I hit two more scrapbook stores yesterday ~ I think I am actually getting burned out on them - they seem to all be the same and not impressing me as much - a sure sign that I have had enough. I do enjoy seeing the ideas and creations but my eyes are becoming weary - I ended up buying three homemade lollipops yesterday at one, one for each of us!
Today we got a late start and ended up going back to Sugarhouse and visiting Michael's and a coffee shop and spent at a minimum 2 hours in Nordstrom's Rack - it was exhausting! J found a pair of shoes and was trying them out for at last 45 minutes in the store. I found a pair of Keen's and was trying to get the matching shoe when over the intercom came a call for a 627-Shag (or something similar to that) and bam the shoe guys ran out of the back and out the front door and a few minutes later here they come with a shoplifter - she was sobbing all the way to the back of the store - trying to make an excuse for herself. At least I had an interesting 5 minutes waiting at the shoe counter. I have to say though - 2 hours in Nordstrom's Rack is TOOOOOOOOO long - I was hot and cranky!
After that we headed off to J's aunt and uncle's house to visit and have dinner with them and his cousins. It felt good to laugh and visit and I think we all left in a better mood than when we arrived - at least I was way better off! Angelo was laughing as we left because uncle was chasing him a round with a block fo styrofoam whacking him with it at 11:00 p.m. at night - it was cute!
I am hoping to capture a picture of one thing here at his sister's condo - a couple of nights when we have got home late there have been two ducks swimming in the pool, it is so funny seeing these two ducks swimming around together in this nice swimming pool - it is like some kind of romantic escapade for the ducks, a clear pond for them to swim in - I think it is the boy trying to impress his gal!
Okay - so it is now 1:10 a.m. Salt Lake time and I had better HIT the HAY - tomorrow we want to get an early start on whatever it is we are doing! My calves are so sore from all the walking and exploring - just to flex them makes me feel the pain!
After we got back to the city from Snowbird we wandered through Sugarhouse and ate at a place J used to eat at when he lived here - it was the Soup Kitchen - cute! I had to laugh because I was thinking about Seinfeld and the Soup Nazi! It was an affordable little place to get a sandwich and soup.
I have to post about Monday night we were coming back from Orem and we saw some gliders coming off the mountain - that was beautiful to see. I would have liked to park and just watch but since we were speeding down the freakway there was no way we could have stopped and watched.
I hit two more scrapbook stores yesterday ~ I think I am actually getting burned out on them - they seem to all be the same and not impressing me as much - a sure sign that I have had enough. I do enjoy seeing the ideas and creations but my eyes are becoming weary - I ended up buying three homemade lollipops yesterday at one, one for each of us!
Today we got a late start and ended up going back to Sugarhouse and visiting Michael's and a coffee shop and spent at a minimum 2 hours in Nordstrom's Rack - it was exhausting! J found a pair of shoes and was trying them out for at last 45 minutes in the store. I found a pair of Keen's and was trying to get the matching shoe when over the intercom came a call for a 627-Shag (or something similar to that) and bam the shoe guys ran out of the back and out the front door and a few minutes later here they come with a shoplifter - she was sobbing all the way to the back of the store - trying to make an excuse for herself. At least I had an interesting 5 minutes waiting at the shoe counter. I have to say though - 2 hours in Nordstrom's Rack is TOOOOOOOOO long - I was hot and cranky!
After that we headed off to J's aunt and uncle's house to visit and have dinner with them and his cousins. It felt good to laugh and visit and I think we all left in a better mood than when we arrived - at least I was way better off! Angelo was laughing as we left because uncle was chasing him a round with a block fo styrofoam whacking him with it at 11:00 p.m. at night - it was cute!
I am hoping to capture a picture of one thing here at his sister's condo - a couple of nights when we have got home late there have been two ducks swimming in the pool, it is so funny seeing these two ducks swimming around together in this nice swimming pool - it is like some kind of romantic escapade for the ducks, a clear pond for them to swim in - I think it is the boy trying to impress his gal!
Okay - so it is now 1:10 a.m. Salt Lake time and I had better HIT the HAY - tomorrow we want to get an early start on whatever it is we are doing! My calves are so sore from all the walking and exploring - just to flex them makes me feel the pain!
Monday, June 16, 2008
A DecISioN has been reached.....
We will NOT be traveling to San Francisco....more Salt Lake and back to Boise at the end of the week......
Park City Outlets, Greek Wedding and Tired Feet....
Friday afternoon we ended up going to the outlets at Park City - they have expanded since I was there the last time. Childrens Place was having some awesome sales - it was overwhelming trying to pick things out for Miss K and a couple things for Mr. A. We ended only staying a few hours as we were with J's cousin and her husband and two kids and they had a prior engagement back in town at 5:30. J ended up buying me a Coach purse at the Coach outlet store - I keep trying to get the price out of him but he won't tell me. It was a huge outlet, Skecher's, Carters, The Gap, Kids Gap, Old Navy, Coach, Fossil, Bath & Body, Nike, plus other names I was unfamiliar with. My feets were tired....I sat at the playground the last 30 minutes of the day - relaxing with three boys playing - ya right!
Saturday we slept in and by the time we got up and moving we had time to shower and drive to the church which was at the Greek Temple downtown. It was HOT (I am talking heat HOT) inside the church - the wedding was an hour long and lots of stuff I have never seen before - interesting. After the wedding there was a sit down dinner for family on the other side of town. J's brother owns a steakhouse here in Salt Lake (Diamond Lil's) and so he was catering the wedding. Mr. A helped out grandpa Pete in the kitchen and pretty much was in the background the entire evening and was no problem at all - you see, kids under 12 were not invited to the event. We got approval from the bride's mom to bring him though as we had no one to watch him. After the sit down dinner it was time for the festivities to start - dancing, dancing, dancing, buffet for regular guests and greek desserts/wedding cake. Joe had lots of family to visit but the most exciting for him was his cousin's from San Francisco area. They had no clue that either one was coming to the event so they spent the whole evening visiting, picture taking and enjoying the company. When it was time for them to go I cried from a distance as I watched J and his cousin hug and she kept kissing his bald head and hugging him. Time goes by so fast, it has been nine years since we have visited them in San Francisco. We are still debating (as of last night) whether to head to San Fran - I am hesitant as I read gas prices were over $5 a gallon there and the 15-16 hour drive home doesn't make me all too excited. We discussed the possibility last night but I was a little to cranky to contribute to much - as Kristi would say "I was spent" yesterday.
After the dancing ended at the wedding it was time to clean up - We stayed until nearly midnight cleaning up with the family but later heard that much of the family was there until 3:00 a.m. cleaning, mopping....
After we left the reception J and I were thirsty so we decided to stop at a 7-11 - that was spooky....there were truly some weird things going on outside and being the small town gal I am - I was a little freaked - I just knew there was going to be an armed robbery or something in front of my eyes....but it didn't happen - WHEW!
Oh and yaaaa....I get home from the wedding and there are a million phone messages on my cell - I only listened to the first one so far - J&D were out on the town without Miss K and partying it up at The Elks at a party for a couple who were turning 90 and married 70 years - J had wanted to go but knew were on vacation then so we couldn't go...he loves both of them!
Sunday it was up at 9:00 a.m. to the sound of the phone ringing....we were going to his cousin's house for brunch! (different cousin than the Park City trip although they went to this brunch tooo)....there are a bazillion cousins down here. The brunch was awesome - french eggs, homemade cinnamon rolls, cheese, homemade bran muffins, cherries, pineapple..... After we visited with them we headed over to his aunt and uncles for a few hours, J snoozed in the chair for awhile while I visited. We left there about 6:00 p.m. and headed to his brother's home in Sandy to pickup Mr. A as he had went home with him after the wedding to play with the kids. We visited there for another couple of hours and left there after 9:00 p.m. We were pretty much starving so we stopped for pizza on the way back to his sister's house. I was pretty much "SPENT" by this time and we were trying to discuss San Francisco but I was much too tired to make that decision. I hit the bed immediately at his sister's houe and pretty much died.
I feel much more rested this a.m. but after the last three days - WOW - go, go, go!
Over an out for now!
Saturday we slept in and by the time we got up and moving we had time to shower and drive to the church which was at the Greek Temple downtown. It was HOT (I am talking heat HOT) inside the church - the wedding was an hour long and lots of stuff I have never seen before - interesting. After the wedding there was a sit down dinner for family on the other side of town. J's brother owns a steakhouse here in Salt Lake (Diamond Lil's) and so he was catering the wedding. Mr. A helped out grandpa Pete in the kitchen and pretty much was in the background the entire evening and was no problem at all - you see, kids under 12 were not invited to the event. We got approval from the bride's mom to bring him though as we had no one to watch him. After the sit down dinner it was time for the festivities to start - dancing, dancing, dancing, buffet for regular guests and greek desserts/wedding cake. Joe had lots of family to visit but the most exciting for him was his cousin's from San Francisco area. They had no clue that either one was coming to the event so they spent the whole evening visiting, picture taking and enjoying the company. When it was time for them to go I cried from a distance as I watched J and his cousin hug and she kept kissing his bald head and hugging him. Time goes by so fast, it has been nine years since we have visited them in San Francisco. We are still debating (as of last night) whether to head to San Fran - I am hesitant as I read gas prices were over $5 a gallon there and the 15-16 hour drive home doesn't make me all too excited. We discussed the possibility last night but I was a little to cranky to contribute to much - as Kristi would say "I was spent" yesterday.
After the dancing ended at the wedding it was time to clean up - We stayed until nearly midnight cleaning up with the family but later heard that much of the family was there until 3:00 a.m. cleaning, mopping....
After we left the reception J and I were thirsty so we decided to stop at a 7-11 - that was spooky....there were truly some weird things going on outside and being the small town gal I am - I was a little freaked - I just knew there was going to be an armed robbery or something in front of my eyes....but it didn't happen - WHEW!
Oh and yaaaa....I get home from the wedding and there are a million phone messages on my cell - I only listened to the first one so far - J&D were out on the town without Miss K and partying it up at The Elks at a party for a couple who were turning 90 and married 70 years - J had wanted to go but knew were on vacation then so we couldn't go...he loves both of them!
Sunday it was up at 9:00 a.m. to the sound of the phone ringing....we were going to his cousin's house for brunch! (different cousin than the Park City trip although they went to this brunch tooo)....there are a bazillion cousins down here. The brunch was awesome - french eggs, homemade cinnamon rolls, cheese, homemade bran muffins, cherries, pineapple..... After we visited with them we headed over to his aunt and uncles for a few hours, J snoozed in the chair for awhile while I visited. We left there about 6:00 p.m. and headed to his brother's home in Sandy to pickup Mr. A as he had went home with him after the wedding to play with the kids. We visited there for another couple of hours and left there after 9:00 p.m. We were pretty much starving so we stopped for pizza on the way back to his sister's house. I was pretty much "SPENT" by this time and we were trying to discuss San Francisco but I was much too tired to make that decision. I hit the bed immediately at his sister's houe and pretty much died.
I feel much more rested this a.m. but after the last three days - WOW - go, go, go!
Over an out for now!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Salt Lake and no wireless i-net access.....
We are now in Salt Lake and have been since Tuesday evening. The weather has been on the cool side - it snowed on the mountains on Wednesday night. Snowbird is also still open for skiing too - although I will not be visiting there to ski this time - HA! I have been to a couple scrapbook stores and bought just a few things - they are just way to overwhelming for my brain I think. I found out the other night at dinner with Joe's cousins that the owner of Cuttlebug is a neighbor of there's - that is like kind of cool. I told him to get us a tour of their warehouse...hee-hee!
We went for a drive through the city yesterday. We went to the Hard Rock here - I have been there prior to this visit but it was fun to see all the memorabilia and lots of Osmond stuff - Donny & Marie! We drove up to the U of Utah and saw the Olympic torch and then drove to the cemetary where his family is buried. There are beautiful places to look at the city from there. We ended up at The Gateway which is an open air mall that was built prior to the Olympics. They have an awesome fountain that kids can play in and Angelo was good the entire walk through the mall so we let him play in the fountain for as long as he wanted. There was a jazz group playing in the grass nearby too so it was relaxing. I had to walk to Old Navy to get some more clothes for him since we had no brain cells and didn't bring extra clothes. The Old Navy had some amazing clearance and sales going on but I was pretty grounded and only bought 3 pairs of shorts for him and two shirts. YiKEs!
I tried to give a half of a hamburger and some french fries to a street person by the Hard Rock yesterday who was hanging at the exit site with a sign that said he was hungry - He told me (exact wording) "I have no teeth and I am a vegetarian - I can't chew" (he was missing his front two teeth), I suppose he is on one of those "liquid diets" of cheap wine! I just turned and walked away! Joe had warned me that he wouldn't want it and he was right, he didn't!
Anyway, that is our adventure so far....not to much excitement!
We went for a drive through the city yesterday. We went to the Hard Rock here - I have been there prior to this visit but it was fun to see all the memorabilia and lots of Osmond stuff - Donny & Marie! We drove up to the U of Utah and saw the Olympic torch and then drove to the cemetary where his family is buried. There are beautiful places to look at the city from there. We ended up at The Gateway which is an open air mall that was built prior to the Olympics. They have an awesome fountain that kids can play in and Angelo was good the entire walk through the mall so we let him play in the fountain for as long as he wanted. There was a jazz group playing in the grass nearby too so it was relaxing. I had to walk to Old Navy to get some more clothes for him since we had no brain cells and didn't bring extra clothes. The Old Navy had some amazing clearance and sales going on but I was pretty grounded and only bought 3 pairs of shorts for him and two shirts. YiKEs!
I tried to give a half of a hamburger and some french fries to a street person by the Hard Rock yesterday who was hanging at the exit site with a sign that said he was hungry - He told me (exact wording) "I have no teeth and I am a vegetarian - I can't chew" (he was missing his front two teeth), I suppose he is on one of those "liquid diets" of cheap wine! I just turned and walked away! Joe had warned me that he wouldn't want it and he was right, he didn't!
Anyway, that is our adventure so far....not to much excitement!
Monday, June 9, 2008
We have been in Boise since Saturday evening. One of the main reasons for coming to Boise and staying was for Angelo to get to see his best friend who moved away over a year ago. It was a surprise for Ang. We had made plans to surprise him, it was great and the surprise worked. We had told him we were going to a friends home and he had better be on his best behavior (okay...so you may call it a threat)...anyhow, we pull up, get out and go to the door and as Joe knocks on the door his little friend opens the door and the first thing out of Angelo's mouth was "S what are you doing here?" He said that twice, the reply from his his friend was "It's Boise, I live here" and then they took off together and played their hearts out, Angelo spent the night and we hooked up with them Sunday at about noon and went to a great hamburger place - The Ram! It was great burger - better than Red Robin in my eyes! They even make their own beer there but I am not a beer kind of gal so I couldn't tell you if it was good or not! Anyhow, I got some great pictures of Angelo and S to scrapbook!
We then hit Crafters Warehouse, which amazingly, was practically in the same parking lot as The Ram. I only bought a couple of things because I am just not sure what I am going to find down the road so I don't want to spend a bunch of moolah there and then see something I really want later. The next thing on the agenda was to find some gasoline...yep, most of the gas stations down here were already at 4.05 or 4.07, we did manage to find a spot that was 3.95 but they are few and far between. Thank God we brought the CRV as is a tad bit better than the van - though we are pretty tight in it!
The most wonderful thing happened after we stopped for Gas...we were driving on Franklin Road (I believe) and we see a store called Archivers....oh my....we pulled in at 5:50 and they closed at 6:00 so we are definitely going back today! Amazing that is all I am going to say at this point! It was overwhelming, everything one could imagine for scrapbooking and card making! The workers were so nice too!
After that experience we decided to go to downtown Boise and see what was happening down there....there are some cute little areas down there to shop and hang out! We went down a cute little street with Edwards theater on it and we saw a Maggie Moo's ice creamery - we found a parking spot nearby and tried it out. I am certain that my choice was the best, it was chocolate better than batter...it was like eating chocolate cake batter, I had a mix in of coconut and it was fine! I am glad I had a small because it was so rich! We sat outside on the sidewalk and we had two visitors, they were ducks....they came right up to us - little moochers is what they were! They didn't hang around there to long after they found we had nothing to treat there little bills to. They took off across the street to P.F. Changs as they have an open air covered patio that people were sitting in and we watched them mooch over there. It was so relaxing. OHH....there were Jayme bikes all over it seemed - I saw a black one with flames on it, robin egg blue with a bell, pink with a lime green bell, WOW - you are so hip girl! I wanted to click some pics but I didn't!
We drove out to the outlet malls because I have always wanted to actually see what stores were there. Nothing to exciting - Big Dogs is closing so we may go back today since it was closed when we were out there.
We then drove by the motel we stayed at the first night we had got Angelo - sentimental for me! I can replay the entire scenario that day in my head, the morning at work, crying as I told my boss we were going to pick up our baby boy, leaving early to get to Boise, arriving at the motel, seeing familiar faces, being left in a room with a our little man for the first time, feeding him a bottle, putting him down for the night....awesome memories!
Well, today is a bright new day and it is definitely off to Archivers this a.m. and then wherever the road may lead. I am not sure if we will stay here another night or hit the road and head closer to Salt Lake.
Most importantly....I expect to be reading some new blog entries soooooooooooonnnn! Come on people you need to update your blogs if you haven't and by the way, those taggy blogs don't count for recent entries! You know who you are!
We then hit Crafters Warehouse, which amazingly, was practically in the same parking lot as The Ram. I only bought a couple of things because I am just not sure what I am going to find down the road so I don't want to spend a bunch of moolah there and then see something I really want later. The next thing on the agenda was to find some gasoline...yep, most of the gas stations down here were already at 4.05 or 4.07, we did manage to find a spot that was 3.95 but they are few and far between. Thank God we brought the CRV as is a tad bit better than the van - though we are pretty tight in it!
The most wonderful thing happened after we stopped for Gas...we were driving on Franklin Road (I believe) and we see a store called Archivers....oh my....we pulled in at 5:50 and they closed at 6:00 so we are definitely going back today! Amazing that is all I am going to say at this point! It was overwhelming, everything one could imagine for scrapbooking and card making! The workers were so nice too!
After that experience we decided to go to downtown Boise and see what was happening down there....there are some cute little areas down there to shop and hang out! We went down a cute little street with Edwards theater on it and we saw a Maggie Moo's ice creamery - we found a parking spot nearby and tried it out. I am certain that my choice was the best, it was chocolate better than batter...it was like eating chocolate cake batter, I had a mix in of coconut and it was fine! I am glad I had a small because it was so rich! We sat outside on the sidewalk and we had two visitors, they were ducks....they came right up to us - little moochers is what they were! They didn't hang around there to long after they found we had nothing to treat there little bills to. They took off across the street to P.F. Changs as they have an open air covered patio that people were sitting in and we watched them mooch over there. It was so relaxing. OHH....there were Jayme bikes all over it seemed - I saw a black one with flames on it, robin egg blue with a bell, pink with a lime green bell, WOW - you are so hip girl! I wanted to click some pics but I didn't!
We drove out to the outlet malls because I have always wanted to actually see what stores were there. Nothing to exciting - Big Dogs is closing so we may go back today since it was closed when we were out there.
We then drove by the motel we stayed at the first night we had got Angelo - sentimental for me! I can replay the entire scenario that day in my head, the morning at work, crying as I told my boss we were going to pick up our baby boy, leaving early to get to Boise, arriving at the motel, seeing familiar faces, being left in a room with a our little man for the first time, feeding him a bottle, putting him down for the night....awesome memories!
Well, today is a bright new day and it is definitely off to Archivers this a.m. and then wherever the road may lead. I am not sure if we will stay here another night or hit the road and head closer to Salt Lake.
Most importantly....I expect to be reading some new blog entries soooooooooooonnnn! Come on people you need to update your blogs if you haven't and by the way, those taggy blogs don't count for recent entries! You know who you are!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Gone, Gone, gooonnnneee.......
I am hittin the road jack - don't ya come back no more, no more, no more!
We are on vacation for 2 weeks....YIPPEEE!
Boise, Salt Lake, possibly San Francisco (depending on how the money flow is at that time).....
We are taking Angelo to see his little friend in Boise who moved from here to there last year - it was his best buddy! Angelo doesn't know we are going to see him....how fun will that be for the boys?
We have a wedding to attend in Salt Lake - it is a Greek Wedding and I am looking forward to finding out just what a "Greek" Wedding is like....I hear they are quite the celebration! It is amazing the cousin that is getting married was just a little girl 13 years ago at our wedding!
There is the possibility that A's birthmom will be at the wedding which may be a little weird and emotional but right now I am cool with it! I don't expect her to make a scene or anything - A's half brother will be there also who is her's! I really feel grateful she made the decision sign him over but my heart aches that she ever had to make that decision - is that weird for me to say? I mean I just can't imagine making that decision....I mean I am grateful and she did the best thing for her and her children but it breaks my heart too!
I am really needing this vacation - I have had so many low days it is dragging my soul down! I am hoping to regain some strength, rest and my spirit may be revived again!
There are so many things I never really let out of my heart and mind - are all women that way? I wonder?
Hmm - well I better go fold some more socks and underoos for the boys! Do you ever wonder WHERE the socks go - I have a bazillion unmatched socks.....what the heck is up with that?
Okay later gator - I plan on posting while I am out and about touring the country side......hopefully I will be able to post some pics also!
Happy Trails to ME...until we meet again!
We are on vacation for 2 weeks....YIPPEEE!
Boise, Salt Lake, possibly San Francisco (depending on how the money flow is at that time).....
We are taking Angelo to see his little friend in Boise who moved from here to there last year - it was his best buddy! Angelo doesn't know we are going to see him....how fun will that be for the boys?
We have a wedding to attend in Salt Lake - it is a Greek Wedding and I am looking forward to finding out just what a "Greek" Wedding is like....I hear they are quite the celebration! It is amazing the cousin that is getting married was just a little girl 13 years ago at our wedding!
There is the possibility that A's birthmom will be at the wedding which may be a little weird and emotional but right now I am cool with it! I don't expect her to make a scene or anything - A's half brother will be there also who is her's! I really feel grateful she made the decision sign him over but my heart aches that she ever had to make that decision - is that weird for me to say? I mean I just can't imagine making that decision....I mean I am grateful and she did the best thing for her and her children but it breaks my heart too!
I am really needing this vacation - I have had so many low days it is dragging my soul down! I am hoping to regain some strength, rest and my spirit may be revived again!
There are so many things I never really let out of my heart and mind - are all women that way? I wonder?
Hmm - well I better go fold some more socks and underoos for the boys! Do you ever wonder WHERE the socks go - I have a bazillion unmatched socks.....what the heck is up with that?
Okay later gator - I plan on posting while I am out and about touring the country side......hopefully I will be able to post some pics also!
Happy Trails to ME...until we meet again!
What were you doing five years ago?
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
1. Work
2. Retirement Party
3. Pack
4. Go to my mom's
5. Pack
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Chocolate dipped strawberries
2. Chocolate dipped bananas
3. Cheese
4. Cheese
5. Cheese
What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Travel whenever, wherever, however
2. Give money to family/friends/charity
3. Build a nice house
4. Help families adopt children who can't monetarily afford the cost
5. Retire
What are five of your bad habits?
1. No confidence in self
2. Doubting
3. Internet
4. Being a "YES" woman
5. Unorganized
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Orofino, ID
2. Lewiston, ID
3. Lewiston, ID
4. Lewiston, ID
5. Lewiston, ID
What are five jobs you've had?
1. Babysitter
2. Carhop - 2 days! Wahaha!
3. Medical Transcriptionist
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
1. Work
2. Retirement Party
3. Pack
4. Go to my mom's
5. Pack
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Chocolate dipped strawberries
2. Chocolate dipped bananas
3. Cheese
4. Cheese
5. Cheese
What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Travel whenever, wherever, however
2. Give money to family/friends/charity
3. Build a nice house
4. Help families adopt children who can't monetarily afford the cost
5. Retire
What are five of your bad habits?
1. No confidence in self
2. Doubting
3. Internet
4. Being a "YES" woman
5. Unorganized
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Orofino, ID
2. Lewiston, ID
3. Lewiston, ID
4. Lewiston, ID
5. Lewiston, ID
What are five jobs you've had?
1. Babysitter
2. Carhop - 2 days! Wahaha!
3. Medical Transcriptionist
Month of Tears.....
It must be my month to cry....
I have cried almost everyday for two weeks for various reasons. I have to say I am usually a tough person and don't shed a lot of tears. I was doing pretty good yesterday but by 9:00 p.m. I was in tears again (I almost made it one day without tears).
I don't know if my child is pulling my strings or is serious - I am kind of hoping he is pulling my strings and doesn't actually feel the way he says he does. He is to young to feel the way he is saying he does. If the kids at school said what he told me they said to him yesterday it really upsets me. There has been so much this week I have read about little kids saying things that are rude and have no guidance from their parents. Apparently yesterday there were two boys in his class that told him he doesn't belong to his family. You see Angelo knows he was adopted, we have shared that with him since he was young enough to understand. He was very upset last night by the time I hooked up with him again at 9:00 p.m. Again, as mom, I talked to him and explained that we love him, grandma and grandpa love him and told him that I would be sad if he wasn't with me anymore - I would be heartbroken. He then tells me "I don't want to talk about it anymore" and shuts down. I mean as a parent what do I do? Do I call the school and tell them what went on yesterday with the conversation - yesterday was the last day of school - nothing will be done or can be done can it? It makes me very angry and I want to say bad things - they hurt my little boy with their words!
I feel so drained and sad for him! What do I do as a parent?
I have cried almost everyday for two weeks for various reasons. I have to say I am usually a tough person and don't shed a lot of tears. I was doing pretty good yesterday but by 9:00 p.m. I was in tears again (I almost made it one day without tears).
I don't know if my child is pulling my strings or is serious - I am kind of hoping he is pulling my strings and doesn't actually feel the way he says he does. He is to young to feel the way he is saying he does. If the kids at school said what he told me they said to him yesterday it really upsets me. There has been so much this week I have read about little kids saying things that are rude and have no guidance from their parents. Apparently yesterday there were two boys in his class that told him he doesn't belong to his family. You see Angelo knows he was adopted, we have shared that with him since he was young enough to understand. He was very upset last night by the time I hooked up with him again at 9:00 p.m. Again, as mom, I talked to him and explained that we love him, grandma and grandpa love him and told him that I would be sad if he wasn't with me anymore - I would be heartbroken. He then tells me "I don't want to talk about it anymore" and shuts down. I mean as a parent what do I do? Do I call the school and tell them what went on yesterday with the conversation - yesterday was the last day of school - nothing will be done or can be done can it? It makes me very angry and I want to say bad things - they hurt my little boy with their words!
I feel so drained and sad for him! What do I do as a parent?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Here I am.....
First off - I took the explosion boxes to school yesterday and the teachers loved them. I hope they enjoy putting pictures in them and journaling in them. It was fun - now it gives me the bug to make more, for who I am not sure but they were fun and got my mind thinking.
I have been so emotional the last few weeks, life just plain sucks sometimes (have I said that before)? Anywho, I am trying to think happy thoughts and knowing I am heading out of town in a few days may help my life.....with any luck!
Last night I went to the Farmer's Market, it was the beginning day and there were not very many vendors there. Lots of beaded items though. My main reason for going was to listen to Blue Healer play, they are great to listen to and they sounded awesome last night in the open air. I saw a few familiar faces and visited with a few people. Angelo got to run around and play so I think he enjoyed that.
Today is the last day of school and I am excited for Ang but then I am not sure what I want to do with him this summer as far as activities. Last year he went to the Boys & Girls Club (Challengers Program) and I really didn't care for it - no offense to anyone out there but when I would go to pick him up the gym was scorching hot and the only cool room in the entire place was where the computer area was - I am sure to keep the computers safe. I was also uphauled that he got in his first fist fight -at 8 years old because another kid wouldn't keep his hands off of him and they both got kicked out for a week. Now, again, my child is no Angel but he has NEVER fought before or since.....so I am not sure what the story was! I think he may go to Kids College after we return from our little trip away.
I also got my hair colored a couple days ago - actually, whatever they do - a weave or something. I got some compliments on it - it was kind of scary at first but I was so tired of feeling drab and hair color challenged.
Well, I gotta go hop in the shower to prepare for my day - another day at beating the keyboard for dollars!
So - pretty lame life right now! I am just kind of numb and hum-drum!
Doesn't this look good though.....
I have been so emotional the last few weeks, life just plain sucks sometimes (have I said that before)? Anywho, I am trying to think happy thoughts and knowing I am heading out of town in a few days may help my life.....with any luck!
Last night I went to the Farmer's Market, it was the beginning day and there were not very many vendors there. Lots of beaded items though. My main reason for going was to listen to Blue Healer play, they are great to listen to and they sounded awesome last night in the open air. I saw a few familiar faces and visited with a few people. Angelo got to run around and play so I think he enjoyed that.
Today is the last day of school and I am excited for Ang but then I am not sure what I want to do with him this summer as far as activities. Last year he went to the Boys & Girls Club (Challengers Program) and I really didn't care for it - no offense to anyone out there but when I would go to pick him up the gym was scorching hot and the only cool room in the entire place was where the computer area was - I am sure to keep the computers safe. I was also uphauled that he got in his first fist fight -at 8 years old because another kid wouldn't keep his hands off of him and they both got kicked out for a week. Now, again, my child is no Angel but he has NEVER fought before or since.....so I am not sure what the story was! I think he may go to Kids College after we return from our little trip away.
I also got my hair colored a couple days ago - actually, whatever they do - a weave or something. I got some compliments on it - it was kind of scary at first but I was so tired of feeling drab and hair color challenged.
Well, I gotta go hop in the shower to prepare for my day - another day at beating the keyboard for dollars!
So - pretty lame life right now! I am just kind of numb and hum-drum!
Doesn't this look good though.....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Busy little bee.....
Look what I did - - - I thought they turned out rather "charming"!

This was my first attempt at making explosion boxes....

teacher gifts.....

I hope they like them.....

I always have doubts about whether they are "nice" enough.....


I didn't think they would take so long to create....



WHEW - off to bed - it was a loonnnnggg day!
This was my first attempt at making explosion boxes....
teacher gifts.....
I hope they like them.....
I always have doubts about whether they are "nice" enough.....
I didn't think they would take so long to create....
WHEW - off to bed - it was a loonnnnggg day!
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