Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Monday's just plain suck......

Okay so I know today is Tuesday and it is probably better that it is Tuesday and I am posting Monday news on Tuesday...........

Yesterday J had an early morning meeting and so I was left with getting Ang to Kids College at LCSC. We signed him up for two classes for four days this week. Uhhh YA! So J assures me that he was informed there would be signs directing me where to take Ang yesterday a.m. I remind you that it is my first day back at work from a 2 week vacation - okay so....

I arrive at LCSC at 8:00 a.m. and start my search - first to the gym complex where there are 2 gentleman who have no clue about Kids College - okay....this is a college right - brains maybe? Maybe they could find out for me but noooooooooooo....

So out the door and off towards who knows where...administrative offices or the SUB???? I am thinking Administration? monday morning...yaaa you got it - they are catching up on the news and gossip from the weekend..so.......okay, the Sub (that sounds good)....so I run in to a dude or dudette (not sure which) but I ask it about Kids College - no clue - hmmm, ya that makes sense....okay....

I am still heading towards the Sub and I see a security officer....ya, right....I ask this gentleman and he tells me the Sub....whew I am headed in the right direction. I get in the upstairs portion and ask the switchboard person and she says they are meeting downstairs in the south corner....okay, downstairs, south corner, two ladies who inform me that the class he needs to be in is upstairs, out the east entrance of the sub and back to the nursing/science building....okie dokie -I passed by that earlier!

Back upstairs, past the switchboard person, so uh ya...you can guess I am a little frustrated with the morning already and trying not to stress over the fact that I need to be back at my house in 15 minutes for work because it is now 8:15....

So my mind and mouth got the better of me and I stopped at the switchboard and told her I had a suggestion that perhaps NEXT TIME they could have signage posted directing people for KIDS COLLEGE....she tells me it is "EARLY" - ya WHATEVER! So, I said well you know I have to be to work in 15 minutes now but I guess if I lose my job I can always get state assistance....as I head out the front door! GAWD - am I asking to much for a little organization and direction in this world? I mean seriously? Could they not make things a TAD bit easier???? Perhaps a sign or two - don't they have PRINT SHOP on campus....signs? You know the things people poke in their yards advertising sales and who to vote for?

In the meantime Ang has not stopped talking since we have been on our morning jaunt through the LCSC campus looking for Kids College like it was some kind of EASTER EGG HUNT....

In the meantime, I am thinking to myself - don't get stressed - don't worry as I am driving home.....it isn't worth all the energy I use getting worked up over this stupid little things. I get home and get my computer up and partially running and it won't connect like it is supposed toooooo - ya, thanks for setting my computer back up correctly - as I turned it in for IT to go over and clean up when I was on vacation.....GRRRRR.....A Smirnoff's is sounding pretty good about now!

So there you have it - I am back to my bitchy self....and you know what I am beginning to like it a lot! yahahaha....


MrsD said...

Screw TSH. They aren't gonna fire ya because you're the best typist they have and they know it.

I have a cute picture of Miss K I will post tonight.

The Hussy Housewife said...

The first REAL work day back from vacation always sucks big time. Sounds like yours was extra sucky..sorry. I would think they would be a bit more organized for Kids College. STAY STRONG:)))

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Let's do drinks soon.

1funmommy said...

So we are all going to Brews and Blues tomorrow. Wanna come??