Friday, June 6, 2008

Month of Tears.....

It must be my month to cry....

I have cried almost everyday for two weeks for various reasons. I have to say I am usually a tough person and don't shed a lot of tears. I was doing pretty good yesterday but by 9:00 p.m. I was in tears again (I almost made it one day without tears).

I don't know if my child is pulling my strings or is serious - I am kind of hoping he is pulling my strings and doesn't actually feel the way he says he does. He is to young to feel the way he is saying he does. If the kids at school said what he told me they said to him yesterday it really upsets me. There has been so much this week I have read about little kids saying things that are rude and have no guidance from their parents. Apparently yesterday there were two boys in his class that told him he doesn't belong to his family. You see Angelo knows he was adopted, we have shared that with him since he was young enough to understand. He was very upset last night by the time I hooked up with him again at 9:00 p.m. Again, as mom, I talked to him and explained that we love him, grandma and grandpa love him and told him that I would be sad if he wasn't with me anymore - I would be heartbroken. He then tells me "I don't want to talk about it anymore" and shuts down. I mean as a parent what do I do? Do I call the school and tell them what went on yesterday with the conversation - yesterday was the last day of school - nothing will be done or can be done can it? It makes me very angry and I want to say bad things - they hurt my little boy with their words!

I feel so drained and sad for him! What do I do as a parent?


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Wow Brenda, I know you have been going through some rough times lately. I hope that your vacation will bring the whole family the break you all need. Take this time to find your inner strengths again and most of all, have fun. Live, laugh, and love!!!

MrsD said...

I would call their parents.

Where are you going? How long? You're abandoning me! lol.

MrsD said...

On the other hand where did they form these idea on adoption--their parents? Makes me wonder.

I know there are adoption families that have encouraged school's to "teach" about what makes a family, ways that families are made....

You might try posting this on

1funmommy said...

Poor babe. You do exactly what you are doing. You are there for him to let him vent. You listen and guide him. You be the loving mom that you are. He needs his family right now. I agree with Mrs. D. These kids need to know what makes a family. They could be jealous that Ang has such great, involved parents. Its hard but I know you will get through it. Just be there for him. He needs to know he can come to you when he needs to. Take care of yourself too. He needs a mom who is loving and taking care of herself too. Remember that!

Grey Rooster said...

me the big bad trucker I cry, yes I cry alot out here.... as for them bad apples you need to teach ang there not to listen to bullies, sounds like a bully to me... he is old enough to understand when he is being targeted... stand tall my little friend....